CHESS DRAMA – Hikaru and Nepo!!

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    Soccer, tennis, baseball, u name it, have dress codes, respect chess.

    those are sneakers. Go to a funeral with those on? Important events merit serious dress codes. Your shite sense of style does not matter. Wear proper shoes

    At 3:12 you mention the impossibility of a draw or win when there's an 800 point difference. Based on the ELO system (and surface expectations).

    I'd argue it is impossible, IF the two players had comparable time/ matches in the ELO pool. ELO/Rankings need players to actively participate to measure anything. Ideally, they'd participate often and train hard.

    Without those two, especially participating, you can't really say anything except that they're inexperienced in competitive ELO based chess.

    Like you said, people leveled up, there's no easy way to correct for a theoretically 2500 player with no ELO until they earn it, or at the very least have the majority asking for the ranking to be adjusted.

    I love you hikaru but Iโ€™m not agree with the draw situation. The main reason is simple: on a tournament where there is trophies/ money involved a silly draw like that could cost someone the championship. At least if they made an effort and play it out then draw would have look better. But of course both Russians doing it on purpose to help each other outโ€ฆ. Itโ€™s not good at all. Chess is a single sport and by that I mean by 1 person of course ( unless itโ€™s a tag team tournament xD) but my point is, if 2 people helped each other like that then it would look bad for the rest of the players. Iโ€™ll give a silly example: letโ€™s say we are in a tennis event. And those who lost on purpose on the first round will face weaker opponents on elimination round. It is not fair to lost on purpose in this case right because you clearly doing it to get an advantage + avoiding strong players. Thatโ€™s how I see this nepo situation. At least try to play the game. Donโ€™t draw so silly in such event. Now if is on tittle Tuesday thatโ€™s fine to draw like that. Hope you well and best of luck on candidates hikaru. Cheers ๐Ÿ™‚

    I agree with the take that the 0-0 draw (or both loss rather) was a loss for chess overall, but at the sime time thats not our problem, not the tournaments problem, that is the problem of both players. They pre-decided an outcome of a match, that would get you a lengthly ban for match fixing in other sports. Thats why I think you CANNOT give them any points just to show to anyone in the future that you cant get a free points in a trade for a monetary fine.

    The problem with scoring the game between Dani and nepo is that it gives points without any effort. Somebody who struggles to then be at the bottom of the pack only to lose to someone who say drawed this way and took the risk out of the game is moral hazard.

    Why do they make knights so fancy if they are not meant to dance???

    Nice play, nice drama. Who wrote the script?

    Can u do a review on Ding recent interview?

    TBH Fide is a mess but they're trying to become a self-sustaining business and these "prearranged" draws doesn't help. I as a fan, I love chess, loved seeing it, but the no-fun leaders didn't. It is easy to see that the chess world will come back to where it was, as a niche sport that few will be great at in the near future, and become irrelevant again as it was before the pandemic.

    Arpad Elo wasnโ€™t a mathematician; he was a physicist.

    Your take is trash. They deserved 0 points. Cmon dude

    Ding missed the point. We don't doubt the strength of his opponents in that tournament, we question their motivation to win, since beating Ding could be seen as unpatriotic. Since we have no way to verify what is in their minds, unlike what is on their feet, we can only be suspicious. That's why FIDE should encourage playing against opponents who are most likely to play their best to defeat you.

    I personally felt FIDE brought chess into disrepute with their childish reaction. If mutual drawing is part of the game at this level and there are no rules against it, then the manner of the draw is irrelevant. The rules should continue as they are: 0.5 – 0.5, no player fines at all as they broke no rules; just unknowingly offended some old-fashioned childish people. The professional thing for FIDE to have done would have been to continue the event without penalty, as no such penalty occured within the rules and then alter the rules entirely after the event to stop it from recurring. If players then did it, a penalty would be entirely justified.

    I'm a golfer. This is akin to someone taking an odd line on a golf hole; one that didn't seem to be intended by the designer. What would happen in this case is after the event, out of bounds can be put in to stop someone going on a different fairway etc, the designers take responsibility not chuck their toys out of their pram and blame it on the players.

    I really enjoy watching chess videos and YouTube has been a great platform for me to see so much, but it is very saddening to see such dumb rulings made by childish idiots using "tradition" as a defense. Definitely lost respect for chess and the way things are done from this.

    im disappointed that Hikaru is not at the center of this drama

    Alternate take: If it looks silly to a layperson, then it's bringing the game into disrepute. They made a good call. On that. The sneaker thing is from a different time and they need to relax.

    An 800 level player could see that the knight moves were silly. The other draw openings, not so much. Everyone in baseball was doing steroids for a period but that doesn't make it alright.

    You can't catch and punish all prearranged draws , but you can ask they make some effort to pretend to be games. Just like we know players in the MLB are still using PEDs, but at least they're no longer giant roided out monsters that suspend all disbelief.

    I personally feel it's justified that they removed the points for the draw, as fun it is to see some trolling it's supposed to be a serious tournament with actual stakes, predetermining a game before it starts just because you're playing a friend seems off to me. Though then again I see the point you're making for not removing the points too, I just personally feel differently.

    Lev is entitled to his opinion. Saying he is wrong is in itself wrong imho, Naka

    The thumbnail got me๐Ÿ˜‚..
    The knight looks nervous
    Ian must've got some serious moves , and the knight can't keep up ๐Ÿ’€

    I mean they could have just gotten into a Berlin or sth if they just wanted a draw so whatโ€™s the dealโ€ฆ

    The term should be "vigorously" .. A player is in violation if they do not vigorously play their position. This specifically covers the act of pre-arranged draws, which is the only real problem. You risk a loss if you are playing towards a draw against a player playing vigorously. The risk only goes away when the draw was prearranged.

    Hikaru I want a shot at u bro I think I can beat u ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

    I think the arbiters decision is safe because with the Berlin you can argue that the players draw even when playing to the best of their abilities as it is a mathematical draw. With their knight dance bs, they made inaccuracies which the other player intentionally didnt exploit by playing a good move but replied with a just as bad knight move of his own. That makes it 100% that it was prearranged while in the Berlin you can only guess (even if the guess is 99,9999% it will never be 100%)

    My proposed new dress code: everyone must wear a pineapple shirt.

    0:14: ๐Ÿ‘‘ Chess Drama: Hikaru and Nepo's intense competition at the World Blitz Championship 2023.
    3:41: ๐Ÿ‘‘ Intense chess tournament results in financial and ranking implications for players.
    7:19: ๐Ÿ‘‘ Chess appeal process and financial implications.
    10:53: ๐Ÿ”ฅ Controversy erupts over appeals committee's lack of independence and cushy job perks.
    13:51: โš”๏ธ Controversy over unconventional chess moves and possible pre-arranged draw in Berlin defense and Ruy Lopez.
    17:02: ๐Ÿ”ฅ Chess players experience unequal treatment at championship event.
    20:27: ๐Ÿ‘— Controversy over chess dress code
    23:49: ๐Ÿ”ฅ Controversy over tournament rules and player complaints.
    27:16: ๐Ÿ‘‘ Intense drama and controversy in online chess tournament with top players.
    Recapped using Tammy AI

    Bong cloud bail out's the only acceptable way to draw lazily

    This is peak Hikaru content. Reads the article as though none of his followers can read and says his opinion for 3% of the whole video.

    500 bucks for an appeal knowing that most GMs can't afford it in the first place ๐Ÿ‘Œ

    I find it very interesting that Hikaru says that the knight dance / prearranged draws during Titled Tuesday is not that big of a deal because there's not much at stake for top GM's. But when it comes to Hans cheating online in prize tournaments, it was a massive no-no because there was online rating points and money to be earned. Let's have some consistency hey?

    Why does Chess have so much drama, can yall just play.

    2:50 The probability that a player with 2000 elo draws or wins against a player with 2800 elo is approximately 0.47%. Roughly 1 in 200 games. Hikaru said one extra zero.

    Is trash talking forbidden in high level chess tournaments? That and drama is what'd make chess the sport to watch.

    Prediction-we will see the same on Gotham channel a day later.

    Hikaru thowing haymakers left and right

    Dubov dont care much about chess at all it seems and Nepo care only about candidates where he shows his full power.
    knight dance was funny tho

    Honestly all top players should come together and strike against FIDE to get their S**t together. They are so inconsistent and it's making them less and less reputable.

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