Chess Memes #64 | When Queen Gets Trapped

Chess Memes #64 | When Queen Gets Trapped

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If you’re looking to learn how to play chess and improve your Elo rating – watch out – this video might make you lose brain cells!

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%1$ Comments412

    Χρυσόστομος Γκαγκάς says:

    "Its not like we are building up to some avengers level sh#t"

    "I'll beat your ass this time" 💀💀

    We all watched this video normally untill we realize the checkmate in end 💀💀.also its a tripple ladder checkmate but…

    and this is when the bishop hate by kings starts

    "It's not like we are building up to some avengers level s%@"

    Episode 100: Aged like milk

    And this was the first episode when did kings start to hate bishops.

    Почему я русский но мне это нравиться?!

    So this is the vid that started the bishop hate…

    i tried so hard to find the origin of bishops hate. found it finally

    I jinx the black king for that “we aren’t?!”

    title: when queen gets trapped
    thumbnail: queen is not trapped

    that queen is dumb he would give him a check

    "That doesn't mean I don't hate you" that's brilliant

    This sacrifices of your pawns do en passant when an enime pawn is next to your go diagona white king👍🏽

    Bro my brother is better than me and I just checkmated him in queen and king and he has all the pieces accept 2 rooks and 1 knight

    Clacalabro / never hack me / WOW 200 SUBS says:

    5:47 you made a mistake here. The mistake is: you type thiis instead of this

    Pov:when black king finally wins

    Bro why the queen don eat the rook if she eat then at least not checkmate yet WtF

    i mean the king isnt wrong when he asks for the word tempo in english, because originaly, most music phrases come from italian, like soprano, alto, and tempo are included in that

    Hey at 5:54 the queen can eat the rook if they saw that the white king my escape.
    Its the queens fault!

    5:39 white missed opportunity to checkmate by taking the pawn with the rook instead of the queen

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