Chess Pro vs. 100 Google Engineers


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%1$ Comments290

    Levy be really boasting about running from board to board

    Am I the only one to see Levi's username is gothamcheese?

    THIS is a thumbnail! Not your face with creepy eyes

    watch Levy on 1.5X speed. ur welcome

    Beating google engineers isn't saying much. They're modern day nazis

    Does anyone find it interesting that these games are not digitally recorded and that he's retelling the story from memory?

    That was enjoyable. Lucky employees. 😊

    Uno reverse, wait a year then watch this video then buy that discount

    Levy is so bad idk how he wins any chess matches (please give me pin of shame)

    gotham cheese is so good he really took down those dang googlers

    Got ham could you make a catalan course I would purchase it

    sure you did buddy, and I can do 62 backflips in one jump

    Levy should do more of playing multiple people at the same time it’s great content

    I realized a trick. I always find it hard to memorize any games but after he explained everything he did in a step by step basis, it's actually easier. It's never hard to remember the blunders you found or the good moves you found in a position. For example, he explained the rook and knight/bishop endgame with a pawn up as a step. There is a basic way to do it. following this, you can rethink what you thought was good and where your opponent messed up all while checking if any move looks familiar or not. Now how he remembered it long enough while playing 2 more, that's just crazy. But levy also plays blindfolded too so it makes sense.

    plot twist levy lost all his games and deleted the footage and made up random positions

    I think you can pat yourself on the back for this one levy…

    I thought this was a classic Levy clickbait and he was going to play Google bard. But no Levy never fails to surprise me.

    To be honest after seeing levy analyzing his moves, i was surprised by how good he is at chess, i mean, i know that he has the official IM title, but i didnt know that he's THAT GOOD.

    I’ve been learning how to keep the tension and not trade or take too early. It really is a higher level strategy once you know how to use it

    Gotham Cheese never fails to take down Google

    Levy became Pro in Chess, We are proud to you Brother ❤

    so the pro comes at part 2 or something?

    Levy, I challenge you for a Rubik's cube competition with me. We can do it virtually.

    3/3 In 15:0 against 1700s??? I believe that some of you may find these statistics interesting… 🤔

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