Chess Pro vs. 100 Google Engineers


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%1$ Comments290

    I don't wanna be rude but aren't the courses lil too expensive? Is that a normal price by everyone in the industry?

    30:09 why not just checkmate rook h6??? omfg im so stupid, i blundered

    and.. did you also sign a few books, for these Google employees?

    Epic games Levy! I played one today where I had a brilliant idea for mate after queen sack, but I missed king takes turning it into a Botez Gambit and I thought it was over, but then I brought her back. Truely amazing 400 elo chess. XD

    Shoutout to gotham cheese for not only being able to win a 1 v 3 simultaneously but also being able to memorize the games and replay them in this video for us

    3 boards that you can see? Not impressed seen some random guy named Magnus who won 10 games blindfolded, get better.

    The picture shows you playing black in the first game (wrong)

    How much time was on Google engineer's clocks?

    whys no one talking about the fact that levy named himself gothamcheese

    Black friday was the 24th not the 26th?!

    Levy never fails to make out with 100 different guys

    When can we sign up for Toronto fan events?!

    The thumbnail looks like a bad porn thumbnail. Levy bought to get a train.

    Wait, in the middle of a tech company offices and no one had a phone out to record the games? You're joking, please day that you're joking.

    It’s crazy how photographic the memories are of chess masters

    GC on tour in Europe playing the entire google office. Straight Boss.

    Last guy had you shook that’s why u traded queens

    Bro spelled his name as Gotham cheese not Gotham chess

    Wow they made the London opening into a real thing

    My sister just said that Levy looks like the lovechild of Daniel Radcliffe and Noah Schnapp T_T

    This was fun! you should play the Jobava London more often

    Good video. One of my favorites from your recent offerings.

    Bro went from Google En Passant to En Passant Google

    That thumbnail is like that one picture of LeBron

    2:10: As of 2017 (when I left Google), there were three main engineering tracks: software, hardware, and mechanical. The distinction between them can be a bit blurry. For example, my entire job was dedicated to writing motor and flight control firmware, but I was classified as a mechanical engineer for some reason. However, the London office was (and still is?) almost entirely dedicated towards AI research, so almost everyone you were talking to probably was a SWE.

    Palpable levels of excitement. You are talking faster

    I came here soon but still haven't taken the course

    DId you ask them why Google doesn't believe in free speech, why they censor news, and don't allow discussions between opposing viewpoints?

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