Chess Pro vs. 100 Google Engineers


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%1$ Comments290

    Gotham never fails to include cheese in his name

    All 3 games were won by crazy tactics in the middle game that’s crazy

    The thumbnail had very adult entertainment vibes.

    15:26 In that position I feel like pawn h3 would be a really good position. Taking away the bishops square, while simultaneously creating luft for your king

    You mean you are the chess pro… comment

    Who do I email to get you to simul my company lol

    I'm still waiting for the "Levy against the machines" series and now you're starting a "Levy against the corporations" series?

    Me trying to find the chess pro in the video:

    It's black friday! Me, checking calendar on the 26th, seeing that it is a Sunday: "hmmm"

    what about levy teaching mo salah before he plays with magnus

    Something tells me he was running board to board 🤔

    Levy never fails to feature GothamCheese in his videos.

    Next time your in London give me a shout if you want camera and audio done. Although do let me know ahead of time please.

    I just now realized that Levy’s nickname is GothamCHEESE ! 😅

    Gotham cheese. I just thought this was funny.

    Day 1 of asking for a scotch course for white. With the potter variation

    I work at century 21 albania we can do this stuff we are like 350+ people

    My company will play you in Boston – we are a startup. Almost all of us are PhDs in Maths, Physics or Chemistry.

    this gothamcheese guy is pretty good, if only he had gm norms

    man went to the google office to work on his patience :p

    GothamCheese. I'm glad to know he's been browsing r/anarchychess recently

    Would you give up youtube forever to be a top 20 grandmaster rated above 2750?

    1 v 100 with 15 min isn't like 9h15 min of chess games? 😮

    Anna: goes to IKEA
    Levy: goes to Google…

    well ^^"

    casually plays against 100 random people.

    20:36 He couldn't take the queen because it is illegal, and he couldn't take the bishop because mate.

    I would love to see Levy take on a hedge fund for "Chess Pro vs. Wall Street."

    The moment you said the games were memorized , i left

    "And this guy was the final boss."
    My brain: mhm the real fight happened tis way and Levi isnt being brutaly evil. My brain, is my brain on?

    That sounded like an huge event. I’m surprised there was no video recording whatsoever 🤦🏻

    Levy was inspired by the Queen herself i believe for this video 👌

    As someone who can not remember what he had for breakfast, the fact that Levy did not just play 3 games at the same time, but he also memorized all the moves to do this video is mind boggling.

    Ladiesssss and gentleman ! Commenting for the algorithm

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