Chess Study Plan To Reach 2000 ELO Faster | 30-Minutes Training Daily

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov answers one of the most common questions asked by his students, which is – how to train chess effectively? How should you study chess so that you don’t get stuck at the same level, but keep progressing gradually?

That is exactly what you will learn from this lesson. GM Smirnov shares with you a 30-minute chess training plan which focuses on 3 methods of training. Studying chess for just 30 minutes daily on these 3 methods will give you significant results. This will help you reach the 2000 ELO rating faster! You will also know how to train if you have less or more time available in a day.

► Chapters

00:00 How to train chess effectively & improve faster?
00:26 Chess Study Plan: 1) Tactics Training
02:51 Practice Puzzle: Can you find the win?
02:57 Chess Study Plan: 2) Play & Analyze
04:08 Analyzing your chess game with engine
06:36 Training Plan: 3) Study chess (openings)
08:18 Studying positional concepts in chess
09:00 Chess Training Plan for 30 minutes per day
10:00 Training Plan if you have more time available

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%1$ Comments319

    So far, this has helped me a lot. I have followed this guide, and I have not lost a game so far, which is quite amazing for me since I normally end up losing atleast 1 lol

    I’ve noticed that I’m getting better just from the puzzles and I changed the last part (opening practice) to learning overall through chess videos and lessons.

    The endgame is an extremely important component which needs to be studied to at least understand the basics. That is where many games are ultimately won or lost.

    This is the best Chanel to learn chess. I really like how you are teaching. It’s not many channels that are so good as you. Many thanks from sweden. ❤❤❤

    after king capture the rook, queen check from h1 then next queen check from h7 and win

    pawn to g6, bishop is pin next rook h8 checkmate

    Judging from your questionable videos, I think my chess IQ will go down if I try your method.

    I agree that studying openings is important, but I wish chess were more a tactical game that you had to figure out as you go, instead of just memorizing moves that you'll know ahead of time will work out. The game should reward those who think it the best not just people that have patterns memorized. That said, it is what it is, and if you don't want to be at a disadvantage you may as well be prepared. But I do think the game would be better if players had to wipe some of their memorized "theory" from their minds between every match.

    Plan: I'm gonna study everyday 30 mins straight, concentrated.
    Reality: has it been 2 hours on YouTube already? Man…

    im always enjoy to watch your videos <3 thank you so much

    Good evening i found one minute to slove the puzzle Qh5 its amazing because the bishop was pin. and blacks gready to take the bishop on C3, G pawn push Qh8 is mate☺️❤🤗.

    My approach, which may seem counterintuitive, was to play less chess. I was playing 15-20 games a day, just going on to the next one and the next one. Now I play just 5 or 6 and spend time going over them looking for weaknesses.

    What site is best free site to be able to use the engine to analyze your games?

    Could you please tell me where and how can i learn opeanings?

    Rh8+ Kxh8
    Qh1+ Kg8
    Bishop can't take because of tne pin an White will checkmate with Qh7# no matter what black plays

    For the puzzle. I would play Queen H5. Black cannot take the queen because the bishop is pinned, then bishop takes bishops on C4. next White pushes up the g pawn to G6 followed by unblockable checkmate for white as any move Black does in this position does not save the position.
    I think theres many variations where the first move white could play is to push the g pawn immediately or even sac the rook but QH5 is what I chose.

    Is it just my imagination? Or do you have to normally have to play a few warm-up games, before you start to win at chess? I can't seem to win any chess games until my brain warms up. 😱🤣🤣

    Solved it while laughing really hard at "tease your little sister"! A teacher with wit is a rare find.

    love from india❤ i am learning chess and English also 😊

    I really suck at chess but have gotten better recently from practicing. I’m digging the channel thanks for keeping things moving and easy to understand. The content has helped!

    I think Chessdojo would disagree a bit about how you go about implementing steps 2 and 3(not that I speak for them). For example, David would say to not use an engine, especially if you haven't first analyzed your game with the engine between your ears first. He compares using an engine to using a drug.

    Jesse would say to not focus so much on openings and instead focus on following good principles because those tend to transfer over to middle and end games. He even did a video covering beginner games where players were able to play almost GM-level moves in the opening just by adhering to those principles even knowing nothing about the opening played.

    I think the solution for 2:52 is Qh5, because the black bishop is pinned, and then if the bishop takes your bishop, you play pawn g6, and then checkmate black on the next move with Queen h7 or h8, I haven't found a more forcing move except sacrificing your rook, but that doesn't end up with a checkmate, it just looks like a blunder. (Edit: it ends up winning a queen, but I don't know if that's the solution?)

    What are some good resources for studying openings?

    Queen g6 bishop cannot take queen because it is pinned by white bishop. Even if black plays pawn g6, queen h8 is checkmate

    Rh8+ Kxh8
    Qh1+ Kg8
    g6 Re8
    Qh7+ Kf8
    Qh8+ Ke7 black escapes
    Doesn't work.

    How about this?
    Qh5 Re8
    That seems to work…
    Edit: it does unless black moves the bishop instead of the rook, as I saw in other posts.

    To me, most people lose bcos they don’t have a game plan!
    They just blindly move and adjust without a goal.
    Yes, learning taps is not the way to play chess but it does give u a goal of some sort.
    I went from 1500 to 2030 just by setting up traps, don’t work all the time but at least I have some to work towards.

    I can't get past 300 rating and you're talking about 2000

    Thank you for a great video!
    I feel like actually getting better at something is often very counterintuitive.
    We are tempted to just use intuition and repeat something we already did many times without growing new habits.

    1. Qh5 (threatening Qh8#) (the Black Bishop is pinned and cannot take the Queen)
    1. …Bxc4
    2. g6 (renewing the threat of Qh8#) (Black can no longer avoid mate)

    Some people in the comments suggested to sac the Rook on h8.
    1. Rh8+
    1. …Kxh8
    2. Qh1+
    2. …Kg8
    3. g6 (threatening Qh7#)
    The problem is that the Black Rook can move from f8 to e.g. b8, creating an escape route for the Black King via f8 and e7. Now White is down a full Rook and probably losing.

    for the puzzle rh8 check king takes quenn h1 check kingg8 g6 and you can't prevent mate

    Qh5 wins on the spot , the line goes Qh5 , Bxc4 ; g6 and Black is defenseless against Qh8 mate 🤝🏿 . Nice tactical drill indeed 👍🏽

    g6 if he doesnt take we take the bishop (with the pawn) with check but if he takes our bishop we will play rh8+ kxh8 qh1 kg8 qh7#

    ► Chapters​

    00:00 How to train chess effectively & improve faster?
    00:26 Chess Study Plan: 1) Tactics Training
    02:51 Practice Puzzle: Can you find the win?
    02:57 Chess Study Plan: 2) Play & Analyze
    04:08 Analyzing your chess game with engine
    06:36 Training Plan: 3) Study chess (openings)
    08:18 Studying positional concepts in chess
    09:00 Chess Training Plan for 30 minutes per day
    10:00 Training Plan if you have more time available

    This video is very helpful, thanks for being the most educational chess youtuber!

    I've been searching for something like this for ages, there's only a few chess streamers /youtubers that talk about a study plan

    Like or Dislike: Like. Thank you for this useful, practical improvement guide.

    Puzzle at 2:52 Rh8 Kxh8 Qh1 Kg8 g6 and they can’t stop mate

    As a 400 player, I appreciate how you believe this can get me to 2000.

    I want know best books to learn chess at intermediate and advanced level

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