Chessnut EVO – The Tesla of Electronic Chess Sets

Sit back my friends, and get cozy as we take a look together at the Chessnut EVO! Although still in preproduction stage, the Chessnut EVO is a very promising chess board that seems to pack all the features you can expect out of a chess set. Moreover, there is a considerable number of features that are not seen in any other chess sets that I am sure many people will find exciting, and practical. In order not to miss on any important features of the board, be sure to watch the video entirely! Thank you for stopping by!

Kickstarter link for purchase, not sure if my promo code alsuchess will work during purchase, always worth a try:


%1$ Comments89

    2 player evaluate? with one player evaluate on and one player evaluate off?

    Lots of bots comments here. Ps. This board is stupid. A giant screen and a supposedly chess AI? All to be outdated within a year of release. And the board is way too small to begin with.

    Waouuu… Thanks a lot for this ! Regards from France !

    Computer chess has come a long way since "Boris" was let loose on the public in the late 70s.

    Seems like a great product for serious chess hobbyist.

    Any news about my previous question? In addition the Software and voice are only in englisch ? Regards from switzerland french part

    Looks wonderful, expecting it to be super expensive.

    One question the screen is enough big but i have some eye problems too read small caractères. May i connect a galaxy tab s9 ultra too ? In case off? Or for me the Best option is too buy the model without the screen thanks in advance for your precious help

    so if you play online you have to move both your own and the opponent's pieces right? what happens if you mess up and the position on the board doesn't match the data online? also seems like the online players would have a massive advantage on time :/. good looking board though

    Can you practice chess openings with it?

    I ordered it through your link. If you use newevo as a discount, they cut the price to $509. Anyway, can the engine training app allow you to load, say Rubinstein games, and play against that engine?

    Well, I'm not impressed by Teslas so …..

    Guys, i need help. I wanna get a chessboard for myself that can move pieces on its own (robotic arms) but i am not sure if it has many levels of strength. I wanna be able to simulate a play with real person kind of feel, ya know, since the missus aint interested in the game. But i see so many other computer chess boards!

    Really cool product. I recently purchased the 15.7 inch Millennium Mephisto Phoenix, and I absolutely love it. So beautiful. If something inspires you to play, and train more, then it's all the worth it.Like how there are more options at differing price points.

    Thank you again for this precious video.
    I have now my EVO since 2 days!
    But i need some help please.
    => How to: create two accounts: one for me and another for my sun, for example.
    => Also I don't know how to install apps like Whitepawn or ChessDojo … It's seems an Android system wich is not open.
    Can you help or orient me please me please?
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    I'd like to play a 2 player hot-seat game with my friend and then let the game analyze it or make the review. Any idea how I can achieve that?

    0:00: ⚡ Revolutionary electronic chess set unveiled by Chessnut company.
    4:59: ⚡ Chessnut EVO features a replaceable battery for long-term use and a user-friendly interface with clear button functions.
    9:57: ⚖️ Lightweight and ergonomic design for comfortable use and portability.
    14:56: ⏱️ Fast and seamless board editor option for customized setups and quick gameplay.
    19:42: 🔢 Chessnut EVO offers multiple profiles, AI opponents, and customizable chess engines for a dynamic gaming experience.
    24:50: 🔍 Customizable chess engine replicates individual playing styles for better preparation and training.
    29:50: ⚙️ Seamless integration of chess apps with physical boards, enhancing user experience and accessibility.
    34:40: ⚡ Revolutionary electronic chess set with seamless online integration and custom time options.
    39:35: ⚡ Revolutionary chess analysis feature enhances gameplay experience by providing real-time move evaluation and recommendations.
    44:34: 🎮 Enhanced gaming experience with Chessnut EVO
    49:20: 🔁 The screen of the Chessnut EVO electronic chess set may not be flippable, but it does not significantly impact gameplay.
    Recapped using Tammy AI

    The Chestnut EVO looks like the overall best. But there are no straight forward way to order one. Amazon does not display the exact title; at $700, who will buy one, not knowing exactly what one is buying! Nor is the Chestnut company being straight 51:08 forward.

    Definetly loving this, just sad there is no notation! Wish they could implement the notation digitally and have it switch by itself when you switch sides

    I dont know if anyone has told you, but your referral link in the description is missing a slash, So there is no use being made of it. I'm not sure if there is some incentive on your end for people clicking that, but I thought I'd let you know.

    Definetly loving this, just sad there is no notation! Wish they could implement the notation digitally and have it switch by itself when you switch sides


    Cringe 850$ for a board that can't move pieces

    Cringe 850$ for a board that can't move pieces

    Cringe 850$ for a board that can't move pieces

    I am unsubscribing. Trying returning ChessNut after you purchase it… tsk tsk tsk.. good luck.

    I am unsubscribing. Trying returning ChessNut after you purchase it… tsk tsk tsk.. good luck.

    I am unsubscribing. Trying returning ChessNut after you purchase it… tsk tsk tsk.. good luck.

    I am unsubscribing. Trying returning ChessNut after you purchase it… tsk tsk tsk.. good luck.

    Cringe 850$ for a board that can't move pieces

    Hopefully the can figure out how to make computerized toilet paper, computerized pencils, computerized rocks.

    Does it seem slow to play an online match? It seems that there is a little lag between when you make a move and when it gets transmitted online, right?

    I feel that most if not all these "smart" boards are critically flawed in the longevity and future proof department. Something that is an instant turnoff for me considering they are frigging expensive. They are usually app/phone dependent making them at the mercy of both the phone and board developers who might cut support when ever they please or the board runs of a subscription to a service that might disappear over night. All these things turn the smart Board into an overpriced plastic dead board. There needs to be onboard logic's, HID and preferably onboard wifi for me to even consider it. An app can be used as a supplement but a board should never EVER be designed with a mandatory app for basic functionality.

    The black King and Queen are setup wrong. Please use Ke8 Qd8.

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