Did Botez’s Opponent Fall Asleep?
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#gmhikaru #chess #botez
Hikaru pinning the pin of shame is a shame. Honestly as an 1100 ELO rapid player Im not able to identify the game as being lost for white on move 16. Imagine being 30 years old and stupid. Love these videos though. Sympathies to Alexandra. I would be so mad if my opponent fell asleep at the board.
What does he mean when he says “DKing”?
this was awesome
can anyone send me the link of the clip?
Blacks second move should have attacked whites knight…down hill after that.
Her opponent was considerably higher rated than her, so it's no surprise he won. Let's wait for the next games.
If you look at the players' times around that position, he had used about 15 minutes and she had used almost an hour…
I don't fault him for sleeping since he was waiting for an hour while still basically in prep.
Dekeing? D king? D K ing? what does he keep saying?
Napping in between moves is the ultimate flex.
I know i'll never play like you but i wish you much more success Hikaru!
1:57 and it was in this position when white snoozed
Hikaru's laugh should be trademarked.
Please keep this series and we need anna game and the other guy I forgot he’s oh no my queen
The guy fell asleep on Botez ? Jeez, that took Low-Testosterone syndrome to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL. Either that, or he was just pretending, in which case his T-level might be off the charts. 😂
I don’t know about the rest of you guys, but I am very happy that there is some feminine beauty in the chess world.
when a fat, ugly guy beats a smart, beautiful woman, i am turned away from chess – only because the combinations are so few to begin with. i like my imagination un-curtailed.
nothing but truth here
Hikaru is the best chess-commentator on Earth – 2nd to none. and, although there appears to be a correlation between that opine, and his chess-rating…it just happens to be that he's equally competent in the area of chess-commentary too. see, a bad chess-commentary can either bore you, or drive you away, because its muddled (too much commentator ego on display, not enough efficiency).
3:25 Say the truth. Let them mald. The truth hurts.
2:25 En peasant
Thank you Dietmar for putting her into her place. Greetings to the Isle of Man! 😉
It is what it is. We gotta learn our openings.
lmao poor girl, after all that hype on the channel
Hikaru didn't have to laugh that hard 😩😭😭😭
Not even competitive
Is the entire clip available anywhere?
Women titles, they’re meaningless lol
In top level competitions like this, the honest and brutal feedback that Hikaru gives is exactly what's needed. I wrestled competitively in college. If I had a bad day or under performed, my coaches made sure I knew and were brutal about it. I can't thank them enough.
I'm happy to see Alex back over the board, but let's hope she can take the criticism well. It's deserved.
So funny, after botez hyped herself up on her channel lol
Hikaru really has to say that everyone misplayed it
Ma man really sleeping 😂😂😂
Nah I’d be pissed off, this man is having a quick nap while beating my ass 😭
love ya hikaru, not sus 🙂
hello mistar hikaru
Wheres the part of him sleeping? Just that fast sneak at the beggining of the video?
11th comment!!
She should have woke him up by belching in his ear
may you please pin me???
Alex Better Have Some Explanation / Excuses 😂
Just wanna be the 1st
Damn that video come out boiling hot
Yo yo yo
Pin of Shame!!!!!