DING!!!!! DING!!!!!!!!!! DING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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%1$ Comments728

    Wow Gotham really not giving the 76rs a chance against Boston 😂😂😂

    Am I the only one who rolls their eyes when Gotham brings up sportsball?

    I can’t believe Levy sacrificed his fooooooooood !!!

    Levy: “My favorite thing is just a murder of crows”
    I see someone enjoyed working with Mr. PointCrow during the chessboxing event 🙂

    wait how would this be the first game in 20 years to go the distance when Magnus-Caruana in 2018 went all 12 draws + rapid

    Levy your thumbnails are so bad just stop youtube full stop man

    Idk how Levy tricks me into learning about real sports every time I come to witness this (specifically chosen) nerdy and sedentary game. Truly a coach for all lmao

    Also I’ve been watching ur recaps the whole match!! Go ding!!

    And then he sacrificed……….his FFOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDD!!!!!!!!!!!

    Gotham you are showing off how you are like 12, gotta go to wings/avs for the best fighting hockey in the best NHL rivalry.

    Can we expect a video of you playing your new chess bot?

    "he doesn't need the knight on d5 period💅💅"

    I completely trust in nepo's ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory next game

    I thought the word for "baby horse" was "pony" 😂💀

    Didn't magnus/caruana algo go the full distance of the tournament?

    I honestly cant understand why everyone is rooting for ding so much

    My man did not just talk about the flyers 😭😭😭 It’s been so long since we were good

    The matches don't need to go the distance when the actual champion plays…

    I love how Levy found that missed Bishop-Queen-King pin. Great analysis.

    Didn't Fabiano Carlsen go the entire distance?

    it is funny that hikaru posts a video 20 minutes faster than you and most of your viwers including me watch his video instad yours

    Magnus vs fabi also went till the end(tiebreak)

    imagine this. Ding wins the last match of the World Championship and Levy names his video "DING DONG!!!!" 😂😭 would be crazy

    When your videos launch it's always time for me to make myself some food and enjoy today's recap!

    Can we just appreciate how he referred to the astronomical pressure, while wearing a NASA hoodie?

    It's really contrasting how these guys have played against each other and how the Fabi and Magnus match was. Those two would go deep into prep against each other unafraid, these two are always looking for something obscure

    Magnus said it best, “When Ian cracks, he collapses.”

    I didn't understand a single american sports reference in the recap lol, best of luck to the michigan machines or whatever!!

    Another mostly boring ruy lopez =[ , sure a couple interesting new moves …. but I just don't like the ruy lopez structures.

    Didn't 2018 WCC Magnus vs Fabi go the distance and into tie breaks also?

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