EASY Chess Opening
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That's what it's called? I thought it was just the pyramid opening/thingy
Me when tennison gambit
What's the move next
It's just the common London set-up
*Benoni enters the chat
Now you know how to never improve if you are between 0-1500 Elo because you will only be playing one system and by not learning various openings you will not learn the patterns and positions that make up most of chess and are vital for a proper foundation in terms of improvement. But Gotham only cares about views and money
He is Jewish ,no?
And you play that openning until a guy doing the King’s indian push pawn e5 on move 8
This is what i playied the very first time when i was 6-7 yr old
instructions unclear, black played e5.
Yo I won first try
I always do the London opening
This is assuming the opponent does these same exact moves
London thanks its my favorite opening
Fitting Name seems like London to steal the pyramid
Me after i done all of that:
What now??👁️👄👁️
ochi yosi
Bruh a had a 7 win streak while using it💀
This guy doesn’t know anything. The best way is to open up your rooks
nah man dont show us the london system, the kids are watching
22 second
That's what i always play 😂
weird that it called "the london system", they really stole the pyramids too
every one speak about white open, while my brothers make me always play with black 🥲
Isnt that thr colle sistem?
Im halfway done but my opponent resign😢
Do the cow opening pls……😅😅😅
What if the pawn attacks the light square bishop?
Weird when in a London system there's no queen sacrifice 😂
Imagine if it was called the London subway system 💀
Queens gambit for me
Every opening will be wasted when your opponent will not play the moves shown in this video
L stands for London
I'm gonna call it the egypt system
100s of thousands of moves. Im gonna play the LONDON!
U cant be teaching london to kids bro
Question mr Levy why does it called the London system when it has a pyramid it should be called the egypt system
"Now you know how to play the London system!"
Actually i dont, cuz I've just started playing chess 👁️👄👁️
Just dont premove all the move and get mated
“I’ve became the thing i swore to destroy”
From 3:24 eyes full of tears, goosebumps 🥺🥺🥺🙌
Looks more of the pyramid opening than the London system
Wtf I thought the London system was a kings pawn opening
Pro tip: if you are serious about chess, do not play the London system.
IN 1 VS 1
I like playing Colle system but is it less effective because of keeping behind the dark square bishop? I usually use a Fianchetto on it
Thanks bro, tried it and won first try
Thx I have a tournament tomorrow
I call it the pyramid opening