EASY Chess Trap!

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%1$ Comments451

    Can someone tell me how to know if a move is an illegal move because I'm bad at that 😭

    Levy Without Glasses: NO CHESS IS FOR LOSERS
    Levy:Continues To Speak

    Botez Gambit, the version where you actually win

    Opponent: Plays a different move
    Me: Wait no that’s not part of the script

    If he takes the knight instead can't he capture the bishop after queen takes black bishop?

    I swear I need to remember EVERYONE OF THESE, they just make you look so smart

    So this is the missed win on stockfish on all my games

    Me laughing, does he really forget that horse was protecting his woman

    What if opponent take knight with knight instead of bishop?

    Opponent : hmm I've got a good position he's not gonna beat me
    Also opponent : plays that one pawn which started his doom!

    you play E4 they play E5 well ill be damned i tried it it took me couple hours to convince my oponent to play E5 as his first move though

    So every single opening is illegal except the légal opening?

    Bro if that's the Legal trap what's the ILLegal trap

    How do we send you our clips, I just had the craziest checkmate ever

    “Hey where’s your queen haha”
    “Oh yeah, where’s your king

    I tried using it but they just defend using king

    I already tried the legal trap, can you teach us the illegal trap

    All of these quick chess wins don't work if you're playing the computer on your phone. I've tried a bunch of them and it's like the computer has been briefed on how to not let it work even if you try it different ways.

    Oh.. For those wondering why h3?
    Its so the bishop gets out of the way IF their knight takes our knight

    When you stole his woman but cost you everything

    When you try to do a chess trap. Ur oponent play a random pawn move.

    Knight moves to f6 before bishops move:☠️

    I got a checkmate in 10 moves in a one minute game

    You should show us the illegàl trap next.

    Why do you need to play h3 why can't you just move knight immediately

    no word of a lie I discovered this trap on my own it happened by mistake one day and I realized how often it works 80% of ppl don't the proper move which shuts the entire trap down.

    What is black knight take white night? Even if White queen takes black bishop… In the next move black knight will take hanging white bishop which is on C4.

    Hold up. someone explain where that horsy came from

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