EASY Chess Trap!

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%1$ Comments451

    By far the most entertaining chess channel I've seen. Levy makes chess fun and approachable.

    They played a different random move ….
    Mission failed we'll get em next time

    I’m new to chess can someone explain how queen will checkmate king as I know king can kill queen so how is this checkmate?

    It's the legal trap. It's good to kick away the bishop by pushing the pawn on h3 but instead directly going with the Nxe5 would be better most of the time as the opponent will be 99% tempted to take the queen

    Bishop d4 is a bad move bc he can do knight f6 and after he takes the pone you take with you're knght and after he doespone d5

    So it's how to setup a chess trap… but black does exactly what you say, and they play bad moves…?

    isnt attacking the bishop with the pawn redundant? can't you just capture the pawn with your knight right away?

    If the opponent realises this trap then you are the one at loss since you will be a full bishop down

    Tip – These tricks does not work on a dumb chess player😂

    No, boring. Here’s how y- who? Here’s how you win at chess in just eight moves! Asked

    Take a Bunch of free pieces until they resign.

    Dude why did I lowkey think this was an April fool 💀💀

    "Call an ambulance! Call an ambulance!"
    "But not for me!"

    ASD - игры, программирование, наука says:

    Now I want some illegal traps

    SYNONYM OF THAT-"Call An Ambulance but not for me Trap"

    Nobody thought what if black takes the knight instead..if the queen takes bishop , white bishop c4 is hanging

    This guy always great about Magnus Carlson for even a small move in his videos 🙄🙄😤😤😡😡

    Levy: wanna play chess?
    Random 69 rated guy: No. BORING
    Levy: Didnt ask
    proceeds to show the trap 💀

    Edit: no edit

    instructions unclear, im now down 9 material

    Me tries this:
    Opponent: plays a different move
    Me: shit I guess I’m gonna resign

    Chess traps shorts be like: Chess traps everyone should know, here's the moves that starts with…

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