EASY Chess Trap!

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%1$ Comments451

    “Do you understand the concept of danger levels” moments said before disaster

    "your opponent plays the semi-Italian… this is a bad move"

    *does a different move

    “Hold up that’s not in the script”

    Chess make me angry when i do stupid mistakes, that's why i can't play even 8 moves

    Thank you very much, I was about to 1 v 1 my pro dad and because of your trap I won.
    gothamchess is the best bro

    There is actually a different variant to this where you move the knight instantly and let the bishop take your queen after that you just move the bishop in f7 and after the opponent moves king e7 you put the other knight in d5 and it’s checkmate, this is Called Légal’s checkmate

    This is smart unlike the dum Asian kid. Yes that one kid. I left a hate comment about him hear so he stayed out of my feed. 😂😂💀

    Wow. If only my opponent would play like I wanted him to.

    I honestly don't thinks there's anyone who wouldn't recognise this. The second you move the Bishop. At least anyone who knows a bit of chess

    this might help me i have sports fest coming up

    What if they move bishop c5 instead of pawn d6 😔

    So thank you, i did this move finally

    White: pe4
    Black: pe5
    White: kf3
    black: pd6

    Except they won’t make those moves.

    It’s not very legal (hahaha I’m so funny)

    I played chess with my dad this morning so thats how i got check💀

    This feels familiar this move is so familiar i remember watching a guy playing valorant while playing chess with these moves

    Do you know the ** you trap you win in 2 moves

    Spelt like "Legal", but pronounced as "LEEgal"? What

    The only way to confuse my opponent is to confuse myself. 50% chance I'll checkmate them and I'll take those chances

    Always use that style of trap against the Philidor and the Max Lange defense

    how to win chess in 1 move:

    make your opponent forefit

    That’s not checkmate it’s just check because it can move to d7

    it is possible if you play with yourself

    no pun intended

    Bro on this situation can't remembered tricks 😶😅

    when they took the queen –
    call an ambulance

    but not for me 💀

    Bro wat if they take with night and then bishop

    I wish I could remember and do one of these traps 🙁

    at e5 knight takes knight you take at h5 and black takes at c4

    Me to my friend: No, U have to move E5.

    When they do something else
    Me: That's not in the script

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