EASY Chess Trap!

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%1$ Comments451

    I love how he removed his glasses on the boring part

    Lol literally just did this…exact opening to the tee. Opponent takes my knight…I take his bishop, and they take my unprotected bishop…down a piece and I lose. Nice.

    How does he thinks my friends are smart they don’t even know that they can’t kill things with pawns forwards

    Bro your opponent is me in this game 💀💀 really
    I played like this

    What if you oponemet doesn’t start like that 🤣🤣

    You see. Yesterday, before i saw the video, i was victim of this because "I wanted to try a new opening."

    While i was watching the video i thout that this would never happen so i started a game and my opponet play the exact moves.

    My opponent is too dumb to fall into a trap.

    Finally he taught the "oh no my queen opening"

    I Used this in a tournament and won the game lol

    yeah but everyone I play with is dumb enough TO BREAK MY EVERY MOOOOOVE!!! (P.S. 400th comment)

    My biggest problem with learning chess is feeling like there's too much. In a fast paced game I'm not exactly sure what to play and most of what I do is random… I know you can't just memorize certain plays because the other person won't always do what you want them to but I honestly don't know how to get better other than simply grinding more games…

    God, mate u remind me professor/scientist from some cartoon , but I can’t remember which cartoon was it! Feels like they copied u in this cartoon. Does anybody knows which cartoon n scientists I’m talking about? Feels like it one of the recent cartoons. Oh it’s annoys me. U probably can sue those cartoon create lol u won’t believe how similar u looks like. Honestly not being funny or anything like that.

    „No boring“ should have been said by the beanie bro. I am disappointed.

    I was waiting for "well I do like to finish fast"

    Chess drains my energy since I have to think a lot

    Bold of you to assume I could remember any of that

    great tips gotham but the only problem with playing your great tactics is that usually they never work out for me

    Imma call that the legal trap.
    Not légal.

    It didn't work, i tried it on martin and he starts to play a random counter that kinda ruin the move, i ended up winning with 138 move later

    Instructions unclear
    I am now the world champion

    if they dont take the queen, they will be up a piece. levy fucking with us

    I played chess with my friend yesterday and I almost fell for the trap instead of moving the pawn I moved my bishop to c5 or knight to f6 I dont remember which move i played first but I did play both of them

    Gotham: Do you wanna play some chess
    Some random dude: NO boring
    Gotham: you don't have a choice here

    Me after using this against a 400 rated but he hangs his bishop and takes the horse

    Now the question stands is ther a ilegal trap

    Why would they play that, though? Knight to H6 would be infinitely smarter.

    Instructions unclear. Got yelled at for not playing Vienna in a guess the elo.

    Haven’t seen Levy without glasses in a while. Nice

    After knight e5, the black knight, can take my knight


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