FIDE World Championship Match – Game 2

Commentators: GM Viswanathan Anand and GM Irina Krush

The historical pinnacle of the FIDE World Championship Cycle, the World Championship Match decides who is going to reign the chess world for the next two years. The champion is determined in 14 games and a tiebreak in case of a tie. Who will be the next World Chess Champion — Ian Nepomniachtchi or Ding Liren? Join us from Astana, Kazakhstan.

#NepoDing #FIDEchess

%1$ Comments40

    Por gentileza, um tradutor para o Ding que, apesar de falar inglês, sentiria-se melhor falando sua língua natural.

    Непомнящий – тупо красавчик, кто бы, что ни говорил, но в России очень много талантливых людей

    What a privilege to the chess community. Thank you to the organisers and the commentators.

    Team Anand-Krush best live commentary so far !

    they need an eval bar live to make this more exciting and help viewers who are almost all of less elo ranking to understand.

    Tank You very much from Birchwood Alaska … fierce competitors, intelligent commentary … excellent match

    Irina and Vishy were arguing that f6 was natural, while Anish was arguing that it was unnatural and didn't occur to him

    Great work by the commentary team. And great work by Ian, crushing Ding's very tough defense. This is why Carlsen made a dishonest excuse and "retired" after Ian won the Candidates again. He was scared to death of Ian.

    As Vishy said at 3:36:30 "Nc6 was profound". Yes it was. Nepo is Tal with stability.

    I noted in my recap video that not all novelties are created equal… 4.h3 gets an epic fail.

    Vamos Nepo carajo!!! By the way I like Irina and "the legend" Anand together as commentators. Best choice by fide

    2:30:57 Krush floats the idea after 18…f5 of 19. exf5 Rxd4, and Anand spots the continuations with her. Great stuff from both of them!

    3:47:29 Nepo plays 29… e5 forcing resignation seconds later

    Did you feel better Today? I mean who the hell will ask that dumb question in the world to that person who just lost his game!!

    why have the players signed the chess board when the game finished ????

    Organize a Chinese speaking translator please! So Mr. Liren can explain his ideas and feeling better. Remember, it is a world championship in 2023!

    I understand Ding native laugauge is not English. He is trying which is commendable but his explanation is so limited. He is struggling and honestly became quite annoying in listening to him. He like a school boy trying to explain a stolen thing to his mother. For heaven sake get a translator for him. Its also good for his million China supporters Or was it Ding ego thinking he can go alone with no translator needed

    Ding needs a doctor to help control his anxiety. He obviously can't resolve it overnight but at least he can get medication to let him play without distractions.

    Such a great pinpointed question by Irina Krush, the journalists are a joke in comparison at their own job LOL

    This is painful to watch (edit: I mean the post-game press conference).

    That was a big ol bus Ding threw Richárd Rapport under. If you didnt like the idea you shouldnt have played it. Great by Nepo for capitalizing on it.

    Thank you very much for this important video! Greetings from Austria

    Shitty ass quality of the microphones at the press conference. Please get them fixed, this is a WCC match.

    White's position was wayy better in between but kudos to Ian for clinching a win with the black

    Ding's a notoriously bad starter, he'll.come back..Well played, Ian.

    Ожидал большего от этой партии, а не уничтожения в 30 ходов, в одни ворота

    Please please I beg … get Translator for Ding!!! he is a wonderful player….. more than a game he seems intimidated by press conferences…..

    this man questions… shaming… of course "empty chairs" are good for chess, if they help players to show their best performance! and it is unfair for players to ask to put "chess community" interest before their own, it is not players job, there are FIDE and other people who should care about it.

    Please get Ding a translator you could tell how difficult it was for him to answer the questions in English.

    why so many americans in commentary team? despicable since usa federation is is all for winning by cheating and banning others.

    FIDE is helping Nepomniachtchi with a computer and FIDE president steals money from the federation.

    Anand still holding his seat with full of patients while the Irina sprays all the crap moves is impressive, he tried everything to move to speak About possible good moves. Well done Anand, i wish your retirement is peacefull even some chess community arrenged worst way.

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