Frank Unlocks A New Level To His Chess Game

Franks_is_heres has done it again! After bouncing back from a loss in the group stage, Franks unleashes a new level of chess that confuses and astounds Gothamchess and Anna Cramling.

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%1$ Comments91

    Why does this idiot click his pieces 18 times every move? It's impossible to watch

    A few pogchamps actually understand the game and play some good chess but most are just making moves because they can.Frank has no idea what he is doing he just stumbles in to some great moves because he moves his pieces forward and his opponent gives him a fork or two.Frank does not play like an 800 he plays like a 200-600.

    it is very nice that they allow to play retarded kids as well. Chess is for everybody

    By the end of Frank's chess career, Levy is going to be the size of Lou Ferrigno. I honestly felt physical pain there listening to his calculations. Anna is unperturbed.

    yo how did everybody just got to know him out of nowhere

    I was rooting for Cdawgva, now I kinda wanna see frank win.

    Frank has been faking his elo from the start and has fooled so many gullable people

    I, like Frank, enjoy strategizing waaaaayyy too openly, and I also tend to zealously guard my games from falling into common positions.

    This is the best chess video I have ever watched

    Frank might be one of the slowest chess players ever. Like he’s not bad but if he played bullet I think he wouldn’t even finish his opening lol

    can we just talk about how youtube thinks chess was released in 2020

    PogChamps is basically Master-Level chess players reacting to 0IQ chess

    17:08 Why on Earth did you cut away the "To heaven! To heaven with the pawns!" part?! ☹ That was such an iconic moment.

    Chesscom really bending over backwards to promote this guy. Try hard all around.

    18:56 he was happier than ding liren after winning the world chess champion 😂

    Frank's graciousness after the win really won me over to be honest.

    Frank is simply a pure genius and no one can understand his brilliancy

    anyone would have stalemated last game
    except GM Frank

    The bias to frank is so obvious and I’m all for it🤣🤣

    I've never been so happy for a guy to win as much as watching Frank! Love his energy and how excited he is!

    Blunders bunch of x lol inaccuracies lol😂

    You can hear his family cheer in background 28:49 love it, go on franky boy👏

    Can’t believe they cut the part after the first game when Ghastly said “You were a good opponent Frank, but unfortunately for you I’m the better one” wouldve made the comeback in this video that much more satisfying

    I love how Levy just starts lifting because frank is so damn slow XD

    Frank is so much fun to watch. He is a kick.

    I think Frank should just take the porn tbh 🤷

    Frank and Levy together is indescribable. I'm smiling so hard right now😬

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