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%1$ Comments737

    “Youre all mules, and i threw you in a lake, then you died of thirst”- Levy Rossman

    Levi suffering is the best thing to watch at the middle of the night

    Bro new GTE acronym "GothamChessEnduring"

    The part that gets me about GTE is that if 1000s and 1100s are playing like this regularly, why can't I get past 950?

    Goþrúm Chess, the lost son of Garry Chess, once again shows his prowess.

    "why would you point a bazooka at a wall… and then park your own car in front of it?"

    ~ Levy Goatman

    “Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite series on the internet guess the elo” never gets old
    Edit:thanks for 100 likes

    In game 75, instead of resigning, White should have played 76.Qg7 hoping for 76…Bxg7 stalemate, as I remember someone making that kind of error in a much earlier Guess the Elo game.

    When you get time from this low elo shiz, kindly recap GCT Romania where Ding, Nepo and Rapport are playing.

    The smothered mate is funny. I get a position fairly regularly where the opponent can either sac a rook or get smothered. They always choose to get smothered rather than sacrifice THE ROOOOOKKKK.

    Imagine needing to rip onto other people's games to feel like you've accomplished something in your life

    Ok, I may be a GOD. SO, when Levy told us that in the last game there would be something that has never been happened in GTE, I instently went, "OOOO A SMUTHERED MATE"

    Levy why is your comment sections full of porn bots

    before watching gotta go drink
    edit: I got snacks too beacause GTE=epicness

    23:18 as a 600 i think that he wanted to promote but saw that if he takes the knight then he wont be able to promote

    He sure made history for the losers who get banned for worse reasons then him

    Levy can you please review e-mail matches aswell 🙁

    "That is what I do, I play chess and I say things"

    The thumbnail is levy seeing a plot twist in the middle of the game

    It’s a Good Day When Levy Posts Guess The Elo 😮

    Not that it bothered me, but… you said the thumbnails were going back to normal, bruv.

    Glad to have contributed to GTE clickbait titles. Thanks for analyzing my games and for all the content 🙂

    Literally only watch these in the hopes someone is over 1700+

    Smothered mate in GTE has happened before. Episode 30, game 1. The infamous g4, g4, g4, g4, g4…. game.

    WithScience As My Sheperd I Sleep A Carefree Sheep says:

    Died of thirst in a lake "OF WATER" and you still drowned of thirst… and then drowned!
    -the 500 ELO mules of Levi

    Really the worst chess streamer ever…… Just imagine milking content brooo just get a life fr

    Always love GTE, never disappoints! Next time I’m gonna say something rude, and hope for a shin of pame!!

    Smuthermate happened in Episode 30 of GTE

    Todays stare felt blank and emotionless. There was lack of of empethy as he stared into the eyes of millions. 6/10

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