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0:00 Intro
1:02 Game 1
7:54 Game 2
15:08 Game 3
20:50 Game 4
28:15 Game 5

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%1$ Comments900

    Some of my game would be demons in this I’m a 600 and I’ve had 90% accuracy games 😬

    How long exactly are these games tho that’s kind of important to know

    Hey levy, quick question, if I’m in a winding position and can captured a defended rook or a free bishop/knight, which one do I do(with my knight)

    PLS! Analyse Supi vs MVL – Pro Chess League

    damn, having this series back feels so good!

    I'm posting this after game 2 ended but before ELO was revealed. I predict it was Hikaru and Fedoseev fucking with Levy.

    14:17 I’m 900 and saw the bishop and queen stuff too but didn’t see knight c3 because I don’t see that far ahead. But I also saw ba7 when the rook moved. So I actually guessed around 1000

    GTE is like The Simpsons. No matter how many episodes, it never gets old.

    No beginner should be playing rut Lopez, same with caro-Kann, the Sicilian is forgivable because of its sheer frequency and also some lines are very simple, literally 90% of the time on Sicilian opening moving the knight is a book nove

    gotham you gave me luck from this video today i got my first ever brilliant move it was a bishop sacrfice to get the rook and if they dont take they cant save the rook btw my elo is 700 and it wasnt an accidental brilliant move

    11:55 I swear, he comes back after earning all those brain cells back just to lose half of them in a matter of seconds again

    Me: That new song has been stuck in my head all day!

    Friend: Which song?

    Me: You know, the one that goes 28:56

    Yes! Season 2 baby! Glad to have this back!

    I'm just waiting for the day one of my games gets featured, and I didn't submit it 😅

    Levy when are you releasing your chess book i want to buy it so bad!!!

    Damn coming back strong lol, godly 1000, bad 1800, and a fake 2350.

    They never went away for me, since I was watching the old ones for the first time lmao

    The final minute and a half of this video might be the hardest I’ve laughed in a long time

    Sahara desert and then the best way to get a good job is the same thing as the teachers

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