He Defeated Carlsen, Kasparov, Anand, Nepo, Caruana and The Entire Grand Chess Tour Team!

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Grand chess tour – Ivano Močić 0-1
Grand chess tour simul 4.7.2023.

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 Bb4+ 4.Nbd2 b6 5.a3 Bxd2+ 6.Bxd2 a5 7.g3 Bb7 8.Bg2 d6 9.O-O Nbd7 10.Rc1 O-O 11.Re1 Qe7 12.Bc3 Rad8 13.d5 exd5 14.Nh4 Qe6 15.Qc2 Ne4 16.cxd5 Bxd5 17.Bd4 c5 18.f3 Nef6 19.Bc3 Bb3 20.Qb1 d5 21.e3 g6 22.f4 Ne4 23.f5 Qe7 24.Rf1 Ndf6 25.fxg6 fxg6 26.Rf4 Rde8 27.Qd3 Bc4 28.Qd1 Nxc3 29.Rxc3 a4 30.Nf3 Bb3 31.Qe1 d4 32.Rc1 Qxe3+ 33.Qxe3 Rxe3 34.Nd2 Re2 35.Nxb3 axb3 36.Rcf1 Kg7

00:00 Hello Everyone!
03:47 Game Starts!!

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%1$ Comments298

    Svaka cast mladom igracu ivanu, pokazo Im je Kako se igra 😁😎 bravo 😊

    This kid developed Chess Engine & AI from the Unity asset store. Little genius!

    Ivano understands the importance of B4 square/ He has a future

    Over 9000! Agad is the best for using this reference! A man of true class

    8:57 "No self respecting Grandmaster will repeat the move and go back to where they came from." With 10 players playing, they wouldn't necessarily know where they just came from if they haven't seen the board for 10 moves.

    He has probably been playing for over a decade 😂

    wouldn't have been nice to see which player played what move so we know who blundered lol

    Very nice vid of course, but tbh I would have really liked if you would name every player individually for every move they played 🙂 But just a suggestion, not really a critique or anything (#suggestion)

    This is like those group project where everyone is a genius but there is this one goofy guy that doesnt know what he is doing. Lmao, Who made the first inaccuracy ?

    The real question is. Who made the first inaccuracy ? Lmao 😀

    This 10 year old kid makes me wonder why I play chess.

    I think giving up the exchange at 12:35 might have worked (draw).
    It would also come with a pawn (maybe two) from the Qa4 capture, and the double attck on c4.

    That a4 move is a disgusting clearance sac that requires immaculate board vision. This dude is a lil beast!

    Absolutely wonderful game played by Ivan! Congratulations!!

    I will buy two pillows and keep them fluffed and on opposite ends of the sofa for a fully operational "Unleash the Bish" pair.

    "Here you see how much he understands chess. He fights against pawn b4 move" ahahhahahah

    I mean what a epic kid, he truly knows this line

    A sequence of grand masters is only as good as its weakest link. This result shows that playing with a strategy is fairly important.

    So a match played by all legends at a simultaneous exhibition is won by the young kid and it is Magnus's fault? Clearly Magnus is the King of Legends here since he took the responsibility of losing such match despite playing with the other legends as well.

    Obviously, the math is wonky, it makes no sense to combine their ratings, or any other mumbo jumbo. It would be the average of these players, then a reduction for time odds depending on how many GMs and how many opponents (reduction of 70-80 Elo for each halving of the time), then maybe another hundred Elo off for distraction of playing so many games at the same time, and the disunity of mind. Still, given the level of the GMs, he is probably still playing against GM level.
    If there was a particularly weak player in the array of GMs, the average of the GMs would not be a good estimate, as it only takes one weak player to make errors the others can't come back from. But these are all quite good.
    So, what strength can beat a GM? Usually, that would be someone within 400 Elo. So, at least 2100…but he could be substantially better than that. Also, he had black, so maybe that low estimate is too low. 2200+?

    Assuming that the 8 or 9 GM walk in circle without never passing each other, there should be a fix order in which they make the moves. And by looking at the board on each picture at the beginning of the video, it should be possible to know tge order.
    The only unknown is if Kasparov made only the first move, or if he also turned on the following moves.

    The question is… who was it to blame??? 👁️👁️

    10! Is 3,628,800… how does that work? Lol

    What a thing to be able to relate to your friends in the library! (He's too young to be in the bar.)

    Plot twist: Agad had the merch created weeks ago…

    I like to think Kasparov came here just to throw in some sabotage throughout the matches, make it harder on the gang 😂

    Vegeta,what did you say?Power level over 9000?

    This is the kid at the chess club everyone keeps an eye on and the last opportunity to beat him was two years ago. We'll be seeing more of him.

    It's cause Hans wasn't on the committee.

    Goes to show how in chess as in business, if you try to particion work in ways that are not reasonable then too chefs will spoil the broth… just cook it yourself / leave it to the expert and take time to do it right.

    I want to puke from the decision to resign 🤮

    No self-respecting grandmaster will go back. Plays one move and then goes back! 😂😂😂

    GCT team is like a one 12 Rank of Yugioh XYZ “Numbers” monster card. It has 9000 Attack and 9000 Defense and must be Special Summon from one of UR Spell Card.

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