He Defeated Carlsen, Kasparov, Anand, Nepo, Caruana and The Entire Grand Chess Tour Team!

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Grand chess tour – Ivano Močić 0-1
Grand chess tour simul 4.7.2023.

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 Bb4+ 4.Nbd2 b6 5.a3 Bxd2+ 6.Bxd2 a5 7.g3 Bb7 8.Bg2 d6 9.O-O Nbd7 10.Rc1 O-O 11.Re1 Qe7 12.Bc3 Rad8 13.d5 exd5 14.Nh4 Qe6 15.Qc2 Ne4 16.cxd5 Bxd5 17.Bd4 c5 18.f3 Nef6 19.Bc3 Bb3 20.Qb1 d5 21.e3 g6 22.f4 Ne4 23.f5 Qe7 24.Rf1 Ndf6 25.fxg6 fxg6 26.Rf4 Rde8 27.Qd3 Bc4 28.Qd1 Nxc3 29.Rxc3 a4 30.Nf3 Bb3 31.Qe1 d4 32.Rc1 Qxe3+ 33.Qxe3 Rxe3 34.Nd2 Re2 35.Nxb3 axb3 36.Rcf1 Kg7

00:00 Hello Everyone!
03:47 Game Starts!!

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%1$ Comments298

    Kids are the best at destroying adult players, more games of them, please! Congratulations to Ivano!

    Crushing too! Godzilla here! Lol, but seriously!

    No he didn't 😆 I haven't even watched the video, but I am about to 🔥♟️🔥 I AM KING PAWN

    Were the grandmasters allowed to discuss moves and strategy among themselves? When "they" resigned was it one person taking the decision or did they consult?

    The kid was probably pulling a Niemann special on them.

    Isen't that a wonderful idea! a kind of reverse simul. This young lad will, no doubt, be across the board from them over the next few years many times. Thanks Agad.

    Well, he did not "defeat" them. Not only it was a simultaneous exhibition, but each master may not have known what the others had in mind. Good luck to the kid, he seems brilliant for his age but he did not "defeat" them.

    Would’ve been better if you said the name of the player who was making the move

    I just love the idea of putting the giants on a chain gang, watch them suffer the weaknesses of the the last move, then get into a "fist fight in the parking lot." GOOGLE IT, its an SNL skit.

    Ova partija je pravi primjer uzrečice "Sto baba, kilavo dijete." 😀

    What an accomplishment. How many players can boast such luminaries in their list of players they defeated. I wonder who among the team would be rated as the most popular? I would think it is Vishy.

    There is a saying in pashto..

    "ډيرو قصابانو کې غوا مرداره شي. "

    Which roughly means that in many butchers the cow become a mess.

    Here is what exactly happened in this game. 😂😂

    We are hoping, he did not use any engine to do this :))

    The kid looks like Rex Orange County lol

    They played very poorly, which can happen given the rules.

    I hope he isn't 1935 any more. Surely a victory over this quality of opponent would have jumped him up to IM?

    Someone needs to add Hikaru to the GCT team so he can troll with random bongcloud and other bullshit to piss off everyone.

    What a game by Black. He really crushed them.

    So basically a match of consistent strategy vs positional play. The greats did well considering.

    Ivano played a brillient game there, he definitely has a future in Chess

    I loved watching this game 😍. Seeing a harmless looking 10 year old bitch-slap a team of the 10 strongest players in the world was hilarious 😂!

    Savage attack!! What a player! Good luck young man.

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