He Defeated Carlsen, Kasparov, Anand, Nepo, Caruana and The Entire Grand Chess Tour Team!

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Grand chess tour – Ivano Močić 0-1
Grand chess tour simul 4.7.2023.

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 Bb4+ 4.Nbd2 b6 5.a3 Bxd2+ 6.Bxd2 a5 7.g3 Bb7 8.Bg2 d6 9.O-O Nbd7 10.Rc1 O-O 11.Re1 Qe7 12.Bc3 Rad8 13.d5 exd5 14.Nh4 Qe6 15.Qc2 Ne4 16.cxd5 Bxd5 17.Bd4 c5 18.f3 Nef6 19.Bc3 Bb3 20.Qb1 d5 21.e3 g6 22.f4 Ne4 23.f5 Qe7 24.Rf1 Ndf6 25.fxg6 fxg6 26.Rf4 Rde8 27.Qd3 Bc4 28.Qd1 Nxc3 29.Rxc3 a4 30.Nf3 Bb3 31.Qe1 d4 32.Rc1 Qxe3+ 33.Qxe3 Rxe3 34.Nd2 Re2 35.Nxb3 axb3 36.Rcf1 Kg7

00:00 Hello Everyone!
03:47 Game Starts!!

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%1$ Comments298

    So early, Magnus hasn't even become World Champion yet

    Wow well done Young Man! Would you like to know Jesus Christ? If you know His Story, just believe it, say Jesus is Lord and you are Saved! BAPTISM IS IMPORTANT! 1 PETER 3:21 SAYS it is the Pledge of a Good Conscience Toward God. The Holy Bible and church regularly will help you keep that pledge! Father God of Israel please have the young man read this comment in Jesus Mighty Name Amen for the Sanctifiying Work of The Holy Spirit in the Beutiful Mighty Name of Jesus Christ our Messiah Amen.

    Your dumb comment about Tal Fisher, etc which are equivalent to Magnus Carlson… pretty much finishes me with your yakety-yak channel.

    While Magnus may be (arguably) the GOAT, Kasparov is undoubtedly the LEGEND.

    The thing i love about chess is rhat gender or age doesn't matter at all. This is the beauty of this game.

    I m amazed that someone gave a random youtuber 29 000 dollars. What dystopian world is this where kids are starving by hundreds of thousands, and lazy cam onanists make a fortune ?

    Youtube videos' descriptions have gone bigger and bigger with time and yet none of them ever contains an actual description of the video, nowadays.

    Long time fan, firstly man thanks for the great videos – question, what does it actually mean when "and now we have a completely new game"? For sure it's not a new game, but new in records, or rated player games? Thanks in advance always been curious what this actually means

    Why "over 9000"? Wouldn't the 10+Kasparov have a combined rating of over 30000(+)?

    This is some sort of Click bait… The nature of the game is not, let's say, normal… Bunch of people making — let's call it this way — a random move would not have a good outcome

    Someday will a strong player offer analysis of Harry Pillsbury vs. Heinrich Wolf, Monte Carlo 1903? How to ATTACK!

    Just show the game.. No need for all this long intro😡

    To be fair it's not easy to play a game when you're not the one making 90% of the moves. Different players, different playstyles, different ideas.. Props to the kid, but I do think it would have been much different if he had played any one of them individually for the entire game 😉

    Lol over 9000 rating hahaha you cant say that and they arent playing on there own style so who made mistake and if someone wants to be best player in the world you must win more then magnus carlsen in all of these tournaments then u become best.

    “A and plan is better than no plan”
    Also it would be interesting if we know who played each move😂

    As with all strong young players, Ivano is most likely highly underrated and probably already around 2200-2300 ELO strength. Plus tandem-simuls give you a slight mini chance to prevail if the „weakest link“ on the other side underperforms in a critical position. On the other hand when all your opponents are super GM it’s, no matter what, a great achievement and something you remember for the rest of your life. On a side note it would be cool if someone has the performance rating of both sides for this game and who actually made the two inaccuracies.

    Committees always manage to perform worse than their weakest member.

    Alexander Zajogin has won from the position after 6…a5 in the German Bundesliga (see Klein-Zajogin (2022)). Similarly, not only does the position after 8…d6 have multiple high level games, the position after 10…0-0 has also been reached many times such as Cramling-Panno (1994) and Niemann-Quparadze (2022), both of which continued 11. Qc2. Other players in this position have chosen 11. b3 and 11. Qa4, while the position after 11. Bc3 was reached by transposition in Koch-Timman (2017). I have not found an example of 11 Re1 though, so that would be the proper point for "a completely new game".

    Over 9000
    Did you…

    Did you just bring a dragonball meme to chess?!?

    Looks like the GM's always have White?! REALLY? That's a bit unfair, ain't it? If anything, and as they are so good, they should always have Black!

    Very good Game Ivano!
    Thanks for the nice commentary as always Agadmator!

    What an amazing honor to beat–er–meet all of those fine chess players.

    My son is a good player. I want him to be like Ivano. What is the best way to coach him?

    Would be interesting to see an analysis of the lost games by tge GCT team themselves.
    There might have been situations where a) one of them starts some combination / positional idea, but the next guy does not see it and continues in a different direction
    b) situations where the playera are aware of the aforementioned possibility and the order they play in, thus they account for their different styles and don't go for the top replies based on their own style (e.g. if I am an attacker but the guy after me is a positional player, I might refrain from sacking a piece which I would do if playing alone)

    To be fair, eight guys playing on one side w/o ability to share a single strategy is a huge disadvantage.

    i don't get it, a single kid plaed against a whole team of grandmasters?

    I also defeated Carlsen, Kasparov, Anand, Nepo and Caruana.

    But then I woke up.

    Nepo come on you list all these chess greats, she is not one of them. Saw a game where some patzer destroyed her in the park.

    To add to my comment used to have a dog on the couch

    You were gone for a long time I couldn’t find you what happened

    At least you kept the meme alive even in chess😂😂😂😂

    14 mn 7 s Tf1f2 pour échanger les Tours
    Txf2 Rxf2. Les Blancs envoient le R à la bataille à l'aile Dame.

    I see a young Magnus in the making.

    Update me in about 10 years.

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