He Thought My GRANDMASTER Mom Was A Beginner In Chess…

We went to Washington Square Park in NYC and this park chess player thought that my mom was a beginner in chess, even though she is a grandmaster. Watch until the end to see his reaction when we tell him!

Watch my first encounter with Johnny here:

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#annacramling #chess #grandmaster

%1$ Comments900

    I want him to teach me everything I already know. 🤪Seriously, he seems like a good person and his energy is amazing. 😄👍

    You would never find people like this in my country

    the way he said he wanted to play one more when she said how many years, that's some passion for the game!

    He is brillinat in explaining the basic fundamendals!

    How can someone look so calm and so menacing at the same time?? Pia Cramling's pokerface is something else!

    Chess rating: 550
    Verbal skills rating: over 9000

    Oh my god I just love this man, he brought tear to my eye this is what loving something you do really is. Absolutely wonderful, the man is a star.

    Stop the pain, please. Checkmate him. I can't take it anymore. He's rambling.

    I'm three minutes in and I'm thinking "I hope she just destroys him"

    I wanna see the game your mom played against Johnny!!

    We can only hope Anna stays as humble as her mom. Pia really is a G(E)M.

    Russian From an English Point of View says:

    Can you say, "mansplaining!?" He had no idea who he was talking to! LOL 😉

    This guy is a treat. I wish I could play him although he would demolish me 😀

    That was awesome!! I love how stoked he was to play her again!!

    I had a big smile on my face for the entire video!

    Can't listen to this man without slowly cringing to death

    A classic manexplaining debute for women's day. Love it

    Great video! Your mom is cute! Thanks for the lesson! Peace!

    That was absolutely delightful! 😊👍❤

    “Grandmasters always say these two things…”
    Pia: “yes, we do”

    What a precious moment! I could very well see Johnny teaching Andy how to play chess in the The Shawshank Redemption ! 😉

    Can we have him more often please? He is amazing!

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