He Thought My GRANDMASTER Mom Was A Beginner In Chess…

We went to Washington Square Park in NYC and this park chess player thought that my mom was a beginner in chess, even though she is a grandmaster. Watch until the end to see his reaction when we tell him!

Watch my first encounter with Johnny here:

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#annacramling #chess #grandmaster

%1$ Comments900

    Where are you if not in Sweden, the UK? The guy looks like a bum, a simpleton at least.

    He got some game i would rly recomend all beginers to listen to this, but not always necesarly you need to make castl3 or develop your pieces into the center 😂👏

    Oh, your mom is so fantastic. I love how you humored him. And it was so cute to see his excitement about meeting a grandmaster and wanting to play her. Great video, thank you.

    yo isnt that the dude from 2 months ago who wanted to write a book or something

    Where is the gameeeeeeee, We want the gameeeeee

    Isn't this the guy who tried to cheat the last time you played him?

    Your mom is so respectful for lissening and pretending to be a noob hahah

    When introducing new players to the game, the challenge is not to explain how to play chess, that's easy. The challenge is to get them excited to play chess, and this guy has mastered that.

    When the U.S. meets Sweden 😉
    To be fair though, this was a masterclass in how to teach chess, I think, and he took the surprise really graciously. X

    Can we have the second game please???🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️😂😂😂😂

    The energy this man has, he really loves chess and he wants to share that with the world

    For an actual beginner, this guy would be a delight, but he should probably ask his opponents experience going forward, so he doesn't go on 20min rant to a grandmaster 🙂

    Developing the pieces into the center is not important at all, 1st rule is adapt to what oponent is doing and then 2nd dont make mistakes 😂 so basicaly it is one rule dont make any mistakes.

    all that and u dont show the 2nd game?????

    "Hey we would like to try some chess"
    Gets epic LOTR storytelling.

    I really loved the way Anna was listening (Even though she knows everything he says), it was really respectful and wholesome 💕

    hahahaha, The way Pia looks at the camera is priceless!

    Pia is cute when she tells him chess is her passion. But I’ve never seen anyone show more passion for chess than this man. Such feelgood video

    I think if her mom sticks with it she could end up pretty good at chess.

    Can u upload the game with your mother please 🙏

    No but really the excitement on that mans face when he found out she was a grandmaster. Thats passion for the game. A strong opponent at that level for him is a challange he doesnt get often im sure.

    Oh common! I realy wanted to watch the game they played after he knew 😀

    A sweet little lamb being led to the slaughter.

    Fantastic! What a teaser for the next game! I hope we get to see it. I think they should make a series where they age her up in a costume and walker and she should come and thrash these guys. I'll bet they'd love it.

    Now we NEED Pia's game

    I've wanted to see your mother playing against other people for a long time, it is just amazing!!!

    Gotta see that next game vs. your mom. Hope you post it. :- )

    Even if she's better than him at chest he's a great teacher for people who are absolute amateurs like…. It's one thing to know how to play but another to be able to teach at an elementary level

    I love his character I would love to play against him

    What a heartwarming video. It made my day. 🙂

    Well, He forgot the most basic rule in chess; never underestimate your opponent!

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