He Thought My GRANDMASTER Mom Was A Beginner In Chess…

We went to Washington Square Park in NYC and this park chess player thought that my mom was a beginner in chess, even though she is a grandmaster. Watch until the end to see his reaction when we tell him!

Watch my first encounter with Johnny here:

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#annacramling #chess #grandmaster

%1$ Comments900

    If I could I hire that man as a cid Mayer civilization game narrator !

    This is the best chess video I have ever seen. Poetical, educational, situational, generational, societal, and simply exceptional.

    Omg I haven’t laughed so hard watching a chess match in my life. That guy was great though even though he was duped.

    This dude LOVES the game, it makes me happy to see 🙂 Such simple joy that chess brings everyone.

    "who was the most famous person you ever met?"
    "… maybe Karpov?"

    This guy is fantastic. I could listen to him talk like that forever.

    So much to learn in so little time but with good teachers even you can become a class A player

    absolutely lovely. Laughed so hard. So enjoyable.

    man if this was my teacher 30 years ago, noone would talk about magnus today!

    I’ve never been so sad at a cliffhanger ever wtf

    This guy is so funny and speaks with such a pleasure that I could hear much more!

    Que manera de hablar por amor a jebus!!!. Era mitad gracioso, mitad molesto jajajaja

    Great Video and Louis you said it first. I could listen to him for hours as well.

    Tu mama para mi es el Genio maximo que se puede llegar a ser en este planeta y es la persona mas sencilla que hay, mis respetos Anna para ti , para tu papa que se otro Genio bastante incomprendido en España y para tu mama que no es un ajedrecista mas sino una innovadora

    He’d do quite well with a YouTube channel

    That guy is pure gold! He's probably retired and I would love to know what he did for a living. He should be in films.

    Funny! But also instructive that… teaching should be more than a monologue. 🙂

    Anna, your mom is humble, smart, and very special. I hope you realize how blessed you are !!!!!

    Perfect video, Anna! I really want to meet that guy now!

    DNA test please-could this be Anna’s father? lol 😂

    As charismatic and beautiful as Ana is, it's the videos with her mom I'm much more likely to watch all the way through. Pia Cramling is such a charming and likable person.

    Ok, so let's see the next game they played..

    Yay this guy again. I love him. Nicest guy. If only he knew at the start he was talking to a grandmaster 😁😊

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