He Thought My GRANDMASTER Mom Was A Beginner In Chess…

We went to Washington Square Park in NYC and this park chess player thought that my mom was a beginner in chess, even though she is a grandmaster. Watch until the end to see his reaction when we tell him!

Watch my first encounter with Johnny here:

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#annacramling #chess #grandmaster

%1$ Comments900

    I hope she gave him a few more games for that. That was awesome.

    Seriously did you somehow acquire this guy to present this epic chess fundamentals monologue or was this all just sheer coincidence? He is awesome nevertheless😂

    That was fun! He was doing a good job explaining and was genuinely excited to find Pia is a real Grandmaster! Thank you, Anna.

    This guy's enthusiasm is great, he said everything I already knew but I still feel like I learned a lot hearing it.

    Anna, I’m only two minutes into the video right now. Please don’t crush him. 😢
    Oh, he’s playing Mom. 😮

    Please tell me he’s a school teacher. I’d go to his class.

    what a great guy – he explained so well 🙂

    🤣🤣🤣 The moment he discovers she's a GM

    I want to watch their game after!! Dammit!!!!

    This man succeded in surpassing Anna's enthousiasme, which is very rare

    This was too funny knowing who he was talking to.

    I'm not even halfway through this video and I can't stop laughing. 🤣😂

    Now i want to see the second game, i like this guy

    you are like trolls 😂 guys is trying so hard explaining

    "That's great mom,! That's a great move." — hilarious 😂

    I’m getting serious “I used to be a highschool football coach and gave great pep talks in the locker room” vibes…😂

    at the beginning your mum looks like, "can't he shut up so we can play?"

    Almost lost it when he called her hun. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Tell your mum we love her =D

    Pia not wanting to start with the knight… 😛

    This is hilarious! Glorious foot-in-mouth mansplaining at its vey best.

    Such an enthusiastic man. It's impossible to walk away and not see how passionate he is about the game

    Rumor has it, when Anna's family sits down for dinner, they often have macaroni and chess.

    He should get a YouTube channel himself.

    Is this the same guy that Anna played a while back and he said that he was making a movie about Bobby Fischer?

    His introduction is gold, amazing monologue

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