HE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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%1$ Comments324

    Thanks for the great review despite your double whammy of food poisoning and awful headache. Hope you recover soon.

    The viewers never fail to comment "levy never fails to"

    Levy why put a devils shadow in back of Magnus its suppose to be a goat, just for that I will never watch any of your videos.

    If this comment gets over 50 likes I make a clip about Gofam

    The thumbnail looks like Satan's about to attack Magnus.

    If you wanted Levon to win or play Magnus in finals like

    Magnus? More like Magsus 😂 (Among Us Reference 😂)

    Hope you get better Levy! Cheers from Argentina!

    man levy, it hurts to see you like this :/ get well soon!

    Magnus is still the true Chess World Champ, Ding is just a chump.

    Poor Ding. Poor Gotham. Hope you get feeling better man

    I guess that the shadow means he's the goat, but at first it gaves me a more ominous vibe…

    I know the thumbnail is supposed to depict him having a shadow of a GOAT. But to me it looks more like you're making Magnus out to be the devil or something 😂

    Magnus winning games/tournaments has become boring and monotonous.

    i hope you get better soon! great recap, as always

    Magnus carlson never fails to win 💯💯🔥🔥

    Gotham gets food poisoning and at this point he just liquidates.

    Levy looks sick but just keeps pumping content like it is nothing. Take care Levy.

    I hope you get well soon…
    And what a game! 🎉
    Loving watch this kind of chess…

    based off the top comment its honestly sad that the world champ got last place in a tournament, i hope he can recover cus this is not it, he didnt win a single game

    Is that a fcking shadow of a demon in the thumbnail?

    Protect Ettack and most importantly eat snack made me spit out my water that’s so silly

    Every time he has food poisoning he seems high af

    headache is from lack of water, drink water and rest. All you can do. Dont over do it, or you will regret it.

    Get well soon Levy and thanks for making these recaps.

    I thought Vincent Keymer won almost all his games. How is he playing for 7th place?

    Levy never fails to continue the grind, even when he´s suffering from FOOD POISONING! Christ on a bike, take a break once in a while…

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