HE WON AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Guys do you have thumbnail with one 4 or two?
That rook maneuver by Vidit just looked silly. I guess it's the kind of thing where if it works he looks like a genius but when it doesn't he looks like he doesn't understand chess.
1:42 oh boy. Who invented the highway (AUTOBAHN?????)?! Who invented the car???? NA education
The reason of computer's Ra3 (see 21:03) was to move back to a1 in the next move 😉
I liked my own comment
You are usually my go to recapper of everything chess. These recaps are not long or detailed enough for such a high profile tournament.
You have included the women's games (which is great), but in the same time frame as you usually cover just the mens. This results in a superficial analysis which lacks depth. Make them longer please 🥺.
Nepo should be called the guard of the candidates.
7:23 Forkception!
these games are really getting boring they play like cowards
Nepo is like the Jimmy Butler of Chess. Never top5 through the regular season, you can say top 10 but in the bottom half, however when it comes to the playoffs he balls out. If bro wins 3 straight candidates then an ELO number is overrated.
Oh no My chicken😕
Ra3 in fabi game is to prob prepare to gain control of the A file after axb5 your ready to swing the rook after bringing the c1 bishop out
Hi Mister Levy Rozman.Do you have your Advanced level chess courses available?lf so can you please tell me how can I buy your chess courses.Another question for you is do you teach chess in online in your courses or how do you help improve our chess knowledges
Rook A 3 means that after white takes pawn, black takes white does something, then sacrificing the bishop with check doesn't win the rook. Very unnecessary
Levi, nobody cares about women's tournaments. Can you put them in the end
Nepo keeping Ding as the world championship by winning candidates then losing to Ding would be such a plot twist
Gotham is mad on Abasov because he plays solid, boring and spoils his content.
@GothamChess 21:06 I think I saw on the Lichess stream GM Matthew Sadler says that Ra3 is interresting if followed by Qa2. The queen isn’t doing much as of right now and on a2 you have a battery on the a file and also she is looking at a sweeter diagonal than on c2 where she isn’t doing much !
Pragg is junior Carlsen- mental torture for opponent
hikaru be throwing this tournament ngl
German guys: european no highway????
What's up with the Zizek references all video?
Love your updates but don’t have the time to listen to a long video. Any chance of doing a 5 minute summary?
I'm making a prediction, Gukesh will win the candidates!
Edit: the result is out guys🗿
Does anyone else finds the way Nepo traped the Vidits rook similar to lela chess zero traping stockfishes rook. In that game stockfish was also like its fine, its okay, all good, oh shit actually its not good.
The problem of beeing ADHD AND very rich is Hikarus biggest problem…he gets bored very quickly and loses focus, thats why he is better at rapid
Hikaru may not win any game😂
Don’t cover the women games no one cares
I want Hikaru to win so much but his start is not as good as I expected
Send me money, Ra3 is a common rook lift idea in the Italian, which aims to move the rook over to the king side or maybe support doubling on the c file.
the colur on the pieces are always opposit on your graphic?
we smoking that f Hikaru pack boys lets go
Can someone explain why in the Tinglie vs Anna 12:43 why did black underpromote ? I’m a 500 bozo and I can’t seem to find the logic in that under promotion.
Ian – moves the king up by two squares
Levy- this is such high level play 😮
I did not like my own comment
21:10 is the idea a preparation for a rook lift in the future when the pawns get exchanged (knights on f5 and h4 and kingside attack with rg3)
Nepo is just winning this tournament again isn’t he
Common Ian come back and destroy Ling Diren
Me a Hikaru fan 😢
Absolute banger!!
Watching half of these draws come down to 1 mistake in the end game makes us really appreciate how Magnus was so dominant. Dude was known as the greatest end game player for a reason.
Bruh Nepo is a beast.
Hikaru is just never playing a world championship
Nepo will win. Hikaru typical choking
Great instruction Levy!!!
Please add timestamps
I bet a million dollars for the next thumbnail to have the number 5