Hikaru is OVER 2900 With Crappy Openings! | Disrespect Speedrun 50

Hikaru’s talking trash and racing for Elo playing disrespectful openings! Part 50

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#gmhikaru #chess #drdisrespect

%1$ Comments196

    I started watch the speedrun about a week ago, trying to learn as the games were played. Hikaru is right. If you play 'quickly and confidently' then you can win more games. My rating is up over 100 points since watching.

    Ooooof only just realise Hikaru was sponsored by Streamlabs. Pretty cringe if you ask me

    Hikaru using the nickname "TheFiveTime"; the thumbnail is Cristiano Ronaldo who's also the 5 time winner too.. Coincidence? 🤔🤷‍♂️🗿

    Hikaru Is🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

    If he’s tryna be disrespectful then why’s he saying GG

    Why are you trashtalking bro? Im not a hater but why??

    “I will give him a big black center” Hikaru Nakamura Chess World Champion

    i need them glasses. so that I can play like hikaru

    I can see Hikaru winning a game against Niemann after an epic battle with only 0.1 second left and all of a sudden stand up and do the SIUUUU move🙅
    That would make one hell of a disrespect moment 😅

    Please don't make the screen smaller with the useless space on edge.

    شطرنج للجميع (checmaters) says:

    Can Hikaru diserespect carlsen??

    Everytime I’m watching hikaru and I hear the song @ 3:33 I get so hyped, idk why

    the endgame in the last game was so well played

    He makes it look so easy at 2900 💀

    2:10 my first thought was that you were actually complimenting her😂 [sun]

    "I will give him a BBC (Big Black Center), I don't even care"
    – Nakamura

    ronaldo is my fav football player and hikaru is my fav chess player , GOAT all of them both !!!!

    I wonder what the chess world champs of the 1900s would think of the disrespect speedrun 🤣🤣🤣

    Should be called "gunna be real for once" Speedrun

    Thanks for the inspiration! Maybe now I won't hang two pieces per move🤔

    Plz do Not stop prdc this Content. I love hik so much ❤ he is such a great guy

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