Hikaru Pranks Magnus Carlsen

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%1$ Comments543

    "You add an e to fear what do you get? Fire." -Levy 2023

    I want to see Alireza or Fabiano become World Champion

    Classical chess is dead when Carlsen plays – that is why Abdussaratov and Gukesh will be better!

    I’m spittin and this man got his opponents quittin

    I think they were both just giving the finger to chess for the moment. Messing around. You know. Whatever.

    Lol. The defensive exposure comment at 14:10 got a good laugh out of me!

    I came for the Magnus Hikaru show but holy shit did the secondary characters show up

    Magnus is a classical chess God. Hikaru Is my fave but man…magnus is just different

    Magnus and Hikaru spent over 5 minutes longer playing in the armageddon than the classical.

    That’s actually crazy how hikaru had the audacity to play the kings gambit against magnus, which hasn’t played against the kings gambit in 20 YEARS!

    Everyone: my god first magnus vs hikaru classic actual game in this new era
    Magnus: 10min game?
    Naka: oh yeah

    Wow, another chess video. I’ve never seen many on this channel before!

    Damn…the last game was pure demolition😮

    And that's why Leon Edwards has the most aesthetic physic in the universe.

    Maybe the complainers should start their own 3.8 mil sub chess channel if they know how to make the vids better.

    You’re still looking the wrong way in your new setup.

    Always a good day when Father Chess posts.

    His videos are getting worse each day i don't know how but I miss his face on the thumbnail this thumbnail is just handshake of them with question marks above with a little bit of glow. Why am i watching this I'm so dumb

    EDIT: Before I spelld vidios (not main language)

    I don't play chess, I know very little about theory, but I watch these videos because this dude gets my hyped somehow

    The way you narrate is very much alike to Dan Carlin Hardcore History podcast. – Epic

    That awkward moment when Levy dumped on San Fran…

    "There is no safety. Its only danger and Alireza is the danger."
    -Levy Rizzman, 2023

    Magnus vs Samay raina ( magnus with black.. samay played the kings gambit)

    Levy: "Ehh, I trust the Captain."

    Magnus: "Look at me. I AM the captain now."

    Damn! Alireza really deserves the number one title.

    Just catching up on these recaps. Great to finally see Firouzja and Nodirbek face off! Great commentary as usual.

    I seen the feed and knew it was clickbait. I said not this time, and here I am.

    As a spectator I’m intrigued by Hilary’s strategy to decide to play for drawer. We are not entitled to anything from them

    "He strikes fear into his opponents. You add an 'E' to fear. What do you get? Fire." -Levy Rozman

    I'd love to see more about Caruana's run

    Loving your contents. Loving your presentation. 🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖


    thanks for the recaps, I enjoy your videos, your comments are very funny

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