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%1$ Comments200

    Hold up Levy couldn’t even beat the streamer hikaru? Poor form he’s only a streamer dude. (I’ve not watched the video yet so if he did win then jeez levy it’s only a streamer let’s not brag about the win.

    he's so humble even tho he's literally a ranked "master" level at chess

    Hi @GothamChess,
    Could you find out percentage wise how many bullet/blitz/rapid end in out of time.
    Maybe divided in elo categories and white or black position.😊
    Might be a great next vid.
    Thanks a lot!

    [Event "AI Factory's Chess"]

    [Site "Android Device"]

    [Date "2024.01.11"]

    [Round "1"]

    [White "You"]

    [Black "Cpu (12)"]

    [PlyCount "53"]

    [Result "1-0"]

    1. Nf3 d5 2. d4 Nf6 3. Bg5 e6 4. e3 Be7 5. Bf4 Bd6

    6. Bg5 O-O 7. Bd3 Nb8d7 8. c3 e5 9. dxe5 Bxe5 10. Nb1d2 h6

    11. h4 Re8 12. Qc2 hxg5 13. hxg5 Ng4 14. Bh7+ Kf8 15. g6 f6

    16. Nh4 Bg3 17. O-O-O Nxf2 18. Nf5 Nxh1 19. Rxh1 Be5 20. Nf3 Nb6

    21. Nf3d4 c5 22. Nxg7 Kxg7 23. Qf2 cxd4 24. Qh4 Qe7 25. Qh6+ Kh8

    26. Bg8+ Kxg8 27. Qh8# 1-0

    first time in a video that you say fianchetto the right way, the right way in english but the important thing is that ch in italian sounds like k

    Gotham, can you please sort out my match, I would be very happy. Human3397 vs vlodd

    I love the Scandi. Love the Cow more, but hesitate when white goes e4.

    Good match with a lot of possible plots and could haves

    gg wp, as we say in gaming. That's honestly a rather impressive game from you Levy, considering you're down something in the order of 500 elo from Hikaru. Well played, sir.

    hikaru is aggressive and doesn't mind to force trade all pieces for a draw and when you play passively, you basically let him be aggressive comfortably and eventually will win lol

    so sad that levy is on self destruction mode😞

    hikaru already released this video, why make a copy? dafuq

    I saw Levy got a draw against Giri on Titled Tuesday.

    13:53 how about knight takes e5 and in bishop takes then bishop h6

    Why did Levy think we didn’t know the end result when Hikaru posted a video on the game like 30 minutes after they played it?

    I feel bad for Levy…He's like me trying to beat my older brother in chess when in reality I just learned chess FROM him…and he just beats me everytime :")
    Levy is literally me

    My weather app says it's hazardous to breath 💀

    This was really a fun game! Good job Levy

    I’m really glad to see Levy having more confidence in his games vs some of his other videos. Levy gives his opponents their respect but he doesn’t give himself the respect her deserves. As long as you’re playing another human, there is always the possibility of winning. I’m glad Levy stuck with his gut more and didn’t overthink his moves as much this game. I’m happy to see that

    Wait till he knows, hikaru premoved the entire game

    thank you for telling me to breathe. i am now manually breathing.

    Ooh learnt a new word today, thanks gotham


    Bro got sponsored by air and had weird throat throughout the video 💀

    'I am not a cyborg' is what a cyborg would say

    Levy looks like Beavis and butthead has a son together.

    I used to watch your 10 minute opening videos and now you are a huge youtuber and author! So happy to see your success 🙂

    There was a meme in Hikaru Subreddit, where you think hes taking a long time to make a move, but hes actually just thanking his subs. Overall was an amazing game

    20:40 I found this idea but then I said to myself Hikaru missed it and you will find it genius😂😂 if HIkaru missed that for sure it's mate in 15

    You lasted longer with Hikaru than you do with your wife

    Does anybody else notice Levy has ticks?

    "Playing against Hikaru for me, is like having a dentist appointment". LMAO

    You are doing a great job, and also, you played well till the last move, and you gave the best of you👍

    Floss your teeth if you don't want to lose them

    I’m shocked to find out Levy fails to be a cyborg 🙀

    Everyone talking about how mentally hard it is for levy to play against hikari as he's the second highest rated blitz player , very very accomplished in many ways this and that . Think about how stressful it must be for hikaru to not lose to levy as levy definitely would make a big fuss in the community if he won against hikaru

    Thanks for the content . Pls make it with firouzja and magnus

    Funny because yesterday i saw Hikaru post the video of him playing this game against Levy… it's funny because Hikaru seemed to find the game rather dull and felt that he (Hikaru) made many blunders and was incredibly disappointed with his play in this game. So basically Levy got crushed on the day by a tired and blundering Hikaru. Funny the different perspectives. (and i know Levy won't be annoyed because -> he beat the lie detector when he said he never get's butthurt by youtube comments – so i'm safe 😇).

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