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%1$ Comments200

    During playing with chess bot, it suddenly mentioned, "I learned that move from Gotham Insta Reel" 🤧
    Bro, gaining popularity among artificial Bots…

    "He's not an indestructible cyborg." Evidently Levy hasn't seen Hikaru's thumbnails.

    24:38 Finding this idea as a 1400 made my day, I‘m basically better than levy, literally undefeated champion

    Famous last words “Hikaru can’t mate me with no queen”

    Anyone else start thinking about that Dave Chappelle slo mo skit? Snoop say's "..and you fall in the do-do splat" "Why am I always the one fallin in the do-do!?" 😅

    Brother you talk a lot … if i did this he will do this and after playing this why should i take and the bad news is i just played this move and the best move ….. just show us the game directly without ifs and maybes

    Watching this 4 hrs after the vid went up just wondering if that Scandinavian course is ready

    Levy wins the audience because he’s changing the culture of chess. He’s NOT toxic, and imagine if top level was the same? Just watch! The younger generation is coming to destroy with excellence, and with kindness!!

    …maybe we saw Hikaru's video on it yesterday and know. But still fun to see it from the other side.

    Very nice video from Gotham. For some reason, his energy at the beginning of the video translates into some higher level strategic concepts that just LAND. The communication about potential plans in just the first couple minutes are eye-opening for me (a bum crap chess player & fan). I actually understand what Levy means about certain plans now. Excellent, excellent job.

    Levy's comment section never fails in disappointing me with the same meme thats been abused harder than a 96' honda civic at a used car lot

    Wow..no Magnus in thumbnail for four straight videos.

    Levy says he’s not the one of the top chess players in the world, but he’s really getting to that level of super high skill chess

    Literally just become a GM coward it’s all in your brain

    Where are the other cars? Either I’m blind or they just poofed out of existence.

    Unlucky Levi I thought you was going to win that. Great effort

    I found this very instructive, more than the recap videos. I would like to see more like this.

    I’m really enyoing watching ur old videos with hikaru, can’t understand why u guys stoppen making videos with each other

    We make the best CHESS videos but no one watches. 🥺🥺

    27:01 can someone please explain to me how Qe2 loses but Qd2 is a draw?

    That was great fun! ♟️Thanks for sharing that one.

    I can't believe Levy just ripped Hikaru's video. Same game and all smh.

    Dude that was a hell of a game, you played very, very well against one of the most insane players in the world. You're way, way better than your nerves tell yourself you are. Love your content, watch all the time. Kill it!

    Honestly, for me it was a great game by both of you. Continue this great journey, and I believe that it will existe a GM Gotham!!

    You are in top .1 % of chess players in the world

    You are in top .1 % of chess players in the world

    You are in top .1 % of chess players in the world

    You are in top .1 % of chess players in the world

    Epic chess when you're being humiliated for 30 minutes in a row? Yeah man, I believe you

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