Hikaru vs Magnus x 2 on Titled Tuesday

Hikaru reviews both his games vs Magnus Carlsen played on May 9, 2023 in Early and Late Titled Tuesday.


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#gmhikaru #chess #magnuscarlsen

%1$ Comments154

    Imagine if hikaru was ice cold absolutely soul less and fearless
    He would be a 3200 machine xD

    I wonder if Magnus is a subscriber….
    Surely he is

    Hikaru would have won on tiebreaks if Magnus had atleast drawn his last game. Strange that Magnus did the Botez gambit against the Russian IM Rudik Makarian.🤣

    Im gonna have to say this just by seeing hikarus profile picture i woud resign

    Hikaru hit magnus with the literally I don’t care opening

    LOL for some reason, I always thought it was TILTED Tuesday

    hikaru vs magnus is like messi vs ronaldo, real madrid vs barcelona its like elclassico of chess

    Me before the video:😐
    Me after he sais “welcome back everyone!”:😄😁😄

    El classico. I can watch. Magnus Hikaru match every week for 10 years and it'll never get boring because when it comes to blitz they are easily world top 2 far ahead of everyone

    "we're both 8/9, it's winner takes all, very tense game here" players proceed to hard troll opening

    they're just both doing a disrespect speedrun

    Congrats, Naka, and best regards from Transilvania from herby 🍀

    Hikaru is my inspiration to play chess

    The actual gameplay will be nicer than this

    Imagine competing in TT when either Hikaru or Carlsen are playing. Having both though must be a true nightmare lol.

    is he cosplaying Gotham with the intro?? xDDD

    Hikaru said magnus is the GOAT but he just can't simply win all the games …😅

    Man you should stop starting your videos like this. It's like you are talking to a bunch of children. It's really cringey.

    There was a lot of "unfortunately" 's in this video 😂

    Danya said that you are much better without increment and just decent with increment

    Love the channel but cant stand the fairly new intro format. The hello and smile seem so forced and fake I cringe every time. Just be more natural GM Hikaru

    😂😁😁 I love you speaking style 😅

    Great recap. What happened in the last game of 2nd titled Tuesday though?

    рахмангазы кайыргазы says:

    magnus is stronger than you in the 2nd game, the position was tied, but you cut down the flag

    Always great, entertaining and very educational when Hikaru goes over a game!(obviously this is Super Gm level and maybe i don't even really understand a ¼ down to much less what really goes on…but nevertheless this is high class chess…how the game should be played!)👌

    Yes I enjoyed the recap🎉 Its amazing to have such great and honest insights!!

    0:08 One week after Ding wins, Hikaru: Former world chess champion Magnus Carlsen. 😂

    Sombody on pornhub has same pineapple light and all I can think of is Hikaru. So sad.

    Give me an English Opening video please Hikaru

    he played a troll first move every game in the late tt

    It’s “between ME and Magnus” not “myself and Magnus.” Just like how you would say “between you and me.” The word doesn’t change just because you say it first

    Fair and square destroyed in one game and win by flag is what I'd called a decent result against the REAL goat ☺

    Hikaru vs Magnus is like Sebastian Vettel vs Lewis Hamilton 😂

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