Hikaru vs Magnus x 2 on Titled Tuesday

Hikaru reviews both his games vs Magnus Carlsen played on May 9, 2023 in Early and Late Titled Tuesday.


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%1$ Comments154

    I love how Magnus plays 1. a6. Such an awesome counter-troll move. BTW I named my first born son after Magnus. Cheers from California

    Magnus is the only chessman that makes Hikaru see the Boogey man🧟‍♂️

    Hikaru, can you please stop hiding from magnus? I mean come on, you like literally don't care and all, but broh – like seriously. pineapple – broh. omg. KekBong. Also – your openings are literally ugh . like how can someone be so good, but so bad. Wow. Literal cringe. OoooFFF. Yikes. (sarcasm if you got this far love u bro, pls more of these)

    For god's sake please stop the intro your mouth is way too big it's disturbing, straight to the games bruh.

    Whatever happens hikaru never backs down to challenge world champ 🗿

    Great insights as usual. I remember the Miles vs Karpov game. Anatoly was not amused. Can't blame Miles, though, Kasparov and Karpov were 'booked up' on everything.

    I love the deep dives Hikaru. I enjoy watching you play bullet and blitz and whatever else but I really appreciate when you take time to teach us plebes. Thank you sir

    Even tho I watch this channel almost everyday, if I see Hikaru vs Magnus, I’m staying as long as it takes.

    Magnus probably tried to grab the piece to draw check the king but was half a second late

    "Former World Chess Champion" sounds so fucking weird

    that thumbnail photo was obviously taken 20 years ago but I can't prove it

    Thumbnail is the reason I click this Vedio😂❤❤❤❤

    I wonder how many times he said Magnus in this video.

    Any time Hikaru beats magnus even if it’s from flagging he treats it like he’s won the Super Bowl lol

    I really enjoy listening to the many explanations about his and his opponent’s play as well as the possible variations (despite not understanding much haha). I feel that by paying attention to it, eventually it will all come together so I can raise my elo past the 500s.

    Stop playing a3 every single time you confront magnus. Play for real as you do with every other human being on earth. And have fun on the process as well. Nothing will happen if you lose…

    Hikaru and Magnus is i want to see on Fide Championship this year on classical

    The “wooden shield” gets me every time 🤣

    Hikaru's primary strength is his speed. He doesn't stand a chance against most top GMs in classical format.

    a3 is my best opening win ratio wise, with 75% out of 250 games

    17:05 see no evil, fear no evil, the king is completely safe in the middle

    My prediction for chess is that professional players are going to receive way more money in prize money at tournaments, simply because chess players are now resorting to streaming for income. Magnus declining to compete for the world championship, is a clear sign to me that these organizations are going to have to restructure their budgets around what they're willing to pay players. I feel like the more players become successful in streaming, the less they're going to compete.

    Ways to watch Titled Tuesday live?? (Is the kick link above the main route?)

    magnus is the goat. hikaru is probably overall the best fast player. always a great matchup

    Magnus black pieces in both games, I just know he's mad AF 😂

    Wonderful recap of thrilling derring-do.

    I think people of higher elo prefer to have both pair of bishop than single knight and single bishop in middle games..
    So bishop>>>>> knight??

    Magnus schooling Naka, nothing to see here.

    The AI thumbnail is really good this time

    Magnus is champion of rapid and blitz still. Why is Hikaru insinuating only classical or something like that, he would look better if he said it.

    Whenever Magnus loses to Hikaru, it always seems to be him running out of time in equal positions lol. He's gotta improve that mouse speed haha

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