Hilarious 900 Elo Chess
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15:32 I think white just didn't realized that his queen can be taken at that square.
my elo dropped a few points from watching this
I'm about a 1000 ELO but everyone I play against plays like a fucking grand master. Why do I never get paired with bozos like this?
Am i am poor.D:
"Imagine running, and you can only take one step at a time." 10:31 — Levy Rozman (2023) – j q t –
"If you change one word in that name, it would mean something totally different." 1:40
Yeah, that's true with every name if you replace the word.
Day 6 of watching gothamchess video
Is @GothamChess the best at marketing/promoting on Youtube? Never saw someone who promotes stuff, and at the same time it's perfectly in character and it's also funny as hell.
Where to send our games?
Why the hell my 800 eli games look like 2000 elo masters :)) ?!!
One letter…
Ah pepper
beautiful game
Watching this Levy video made me realise that I cant be afraid of dropping under 1000 elo in rapid and now im almost at 1100
Sir,I am 1300 elo can I sent you one of my game 🎉
Hilarious. On a good note, got your book for a birthday gift. Think these guys should buy it
Gotham never fails to say "Get outta here"
gotham never fails to change the title of the video 10 hours later
2023: The year of @GothamChess
I love 900 elo games.
Marketing genius
Thank you Gotham, you deserve all the success you're getting.
stop changing the title, I can't remember if I've seen the video or not
900 elo players YouTubers react to : 🤡
900 elo players I play with : Magnus
Gotham, your goatee looks like Kento Bento just saying
Waiting for the day he reviews my 900 games
What is an honorary grandmaster title???
the universe was so disgusted with both of these fools it couldnt suffer either of them to win
Gotham chess never fails to never fail at never failing to fail at failing to failing to disappoint the disappointing fail of failing to fail at disappointing
Pepper, right? 🗿
Levy when stockfish puts a knight somewhere and doesn't touch it again for 30+ moves: THIS IS GENIUS. Levy when a 900 ELO player does it: THIS IS TERRIBLE.
So… just be stockfish.
Running one step at a time is how running works Levy
hahaha good name pepper
You messed up even spelling GM at clothes😂😂😂 no offense
The amount of clickbait in this vedio is insane
G CROWN, i WANT THAT, Do U ship abroad?
8:11 !!!!
I'm a 500 elo player but why are my opponents better than these 900s 😭
Hes never gonna say goodbye
I responded to the warning in the first 30 seconds by undressing before proceeding with the video.
As a 102 elo player, these dudes are geniuses
Hi, I just played an absolutely atrocious game, how do I submit it?
Wait how are they gms
900 ELO chess is so funny – amazing some of the blunders
8:17 time to cancel Levy for hating on poly relationships (i’m kidding please no one get mad)
I just played a person rated 980 he blundered his queen. His performance rating was 100 and mine was 1450 (I’m rated 564)
I seriously feel like i watched a deep ass movie after these videos
Hahahaha. That ending! did not see it coming!
Need to buy a hoody just because how many 😂 i got from this video! (Even tho I’ve played some games myself that were quite shameful 🤣🤣🤣)