How Chess Evolved Over Time

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%1$ Comments329

    Gotham chess is my faviorate youtube he is doing these historical deep dives with clikcbaity thumbnail 😂 it is like consuming food cant wait to eat it like these instructive historical facts about chess and everything goodluck on the next few years on your journey gofam

    Hmmm I think the old thumbnail was better, levy.

    Make the video about the evolution of players thinking process through the elo from one elo to super GM level, I love small kids

    Make the video about the evolution of players thinking process through the elo from one elo to super GM level, I love small kids

    10/10 stare on this video. Truly amazing. It penetrated my soul.

    great video Levy! appreciate the effort to keep the history of chess alive and well for future generations to appreciate 🙂

    Great video, but “Get out of here” = Dislike

    Levy, thank you so much for all the huge amount of work you keep doing for your viewers and everyone who is interested in chess!
    I love you and your videos, and I hope your chess career only goes up from here. You are one of the center pieces in chess media, and it would be a blunder to lose you. Love your videos, the energy, the generous and thorough explanations – keep the fire burning!

    Magnus is combination of Fischer and karpov

    Magnus has “ modt consecutive #1 “ achievement

    Finally this chess enthusiasts and player comes to a conclusion that 960 is the future of chess and keeping chess as a great competition with a mutually agreed time frame. As I often say who changes a major rule in chess is are really the Genius of chess. They change a queen to move faster on the board. En percentage. Lol. Now why does king and queen be placed in the centre position squares. Future of chess is Fischer Random. Wake up Thinkers.

    Great video. I would love more of these!

    This video is amazing ❤ see guys levy don't need magnus videos

    The Guy who invented chess:👽

    This comment will be lost among thousands of others, but this video was one of your finer moments for sure. Thank you sir.

    I get 1200 eloo on a good day, but even I can say this video is pure gold.

    Your experience with such great analysis and narrative is noticeable XD.

    Thank you for this instructive conclusion.

    Dear Gothamchess, how can paul morphy be 1800….common….when a strong player plays a lower rated opponent, you see crazy sacrifices and thats what happens when Tal played most players…he sacrificed alot because he was wayy stronger than them….paulmorphy is likely 2600 or 2650 please….dont put him at 1800 thats like my rating. Hello everyone please subsribe to my chamnel if you love the visual effects on my chess videos

    I love historical videos. Learning the history of a subject is a great way to learn that subject.

    Love the historical videos Gotham, please keep this up, I’ve missed it.

    Amazing video and very informational too. These video's are really fun and inspiring it would be nice if you could upload more of them about other hisorical things in chess maybe even lives of some famous grandmasters.

    Kasparov lost to Kramnik right when computers were finally strong enough to defeat him? Interesting

    I love this content as much, if not more than the tutoring, I find the history of chess so interesting, thank you Levy, BTW, the book is very good.

    Why you remove kasparov from thumbnail. greatest player in world

    This is quality stuff Levy. I like it…..

    Only Italians know that since the letter “k” is missing in the Italian alphabet “chi” is pronounced like “ki” so Gioacchino sounds like you would read “Joakino”.

    Chess is gonna die soon with the ever adoption of AI.

    I know this video isn't doing well according to the algorithm, but I really hope you make more historical videos!

    It was awesome but I'm sad that you didn't show us The Greco Gambit

    Brilliant Stuff!!! More historical content👍

    Liked after 40 seconds. Thought too much ads in your vids but besides that you are great 👍🔥
    Продолжаи ✔️

    great job on this one! also solid stare today

    I do hope 300k views is compelling enough for Gotham to make more of such amazing content.

    Love this kind of format. Really nice to learn how the game grew.

    Can anybody tell me how can I challenge a GM or IM online? I really want to play with them. 🙏🏻

    Wow! Nice. Thanks for making the video about history. I feel like you read my comment. thanks g.

    This is one of the most brilliant chess videos ever made. The way it is constructed. The passion with which it is told. The history of the beautiful game. It's just perfect.

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