How To Beat Chess Bullies?
How To Beat Chess Bullies?
Today’s video shows you how to counter the Scholar’s checkmate opening to beat the chess players that try this trick on you in the opening:)
How To Beat Chess Bullies?
Today’s video shows you how to counter the Scholar’s checkmate opening to beat the chess players that try this trick on you in the opening:)
What if they take kings pawn
What about Queen to e5?
Isn’t the best move instead of d3 to castle? I’ve looked at these lines so often that after ne2 the only move is castles, no?
Literally just queen e7 that’s it
Nh6:sure that worked too
Who the fuck would go Qf3 instead of taking the pawn and winning a free rook? There has to be a better way to stop this mate
Or when queen h5 you just play knight h4 and if he takes he loses
I never castle when they attack with scholars mate. I just keep defending with different pieces to taunt them
e4 e5 Bc4 Nc6 Qh5 g6 Qxe5 loses the rook.
Everytime i face the wayward queen i have the urge to find the opponent’s location and “checkmate” him irl
You must make a blunder trap and say it a blunder and now he will not look at the checkmate
Everybody is ignoring Qe5 a fork with the king and the rook😢😢
What if he goes Qe3 in the beggining. I always block with the bishop if that happens. Is that incorrect?
I will test this.
What about kiddie countergambit
knight h6 when he moves the queen then he can't do it anyways
That's too complicated im just gonna castle.
when king's indian attack the queen
It does not work if they take on e4
These people are so annoying they think others are stupid😠😐😐 some people even try to do scholar mate me at 1300 elo 😂😂
Mój wymarzony huge pet to RB HHL nick : KostkaKr
Bro really just checkmated the queen
if your opponents still play the scholars i dont think you can remember allat
What if he takes e5 and then attack the rook
I can punish that but what abg irl
I love bullying scholars mate/wayward
I would for the king and the rook for the 4 th move for white
the queen is trapped, that's what's happening. he has to lose his queen.
My man’s definitely got hit with this earlier today
In reality pawn to f6 is a mistake, becouse white has queen to e5, and the black lose a rook
Edit: I misread the position. The following message is incorrect.
DO NOT play g6 vs Scholar's mate. After g6, white has Qxe5+ winning your rook and a pawn for free. You're better off playing something that removes the checkmate threat entirely before attacking the queen.
did bro just checkmate a queen?
what if Qe5 attacks the rook and king
Sir it's a pirc /KID setup 💀
My reaction to this information:
After QeH5, and Pg6, it's better to take the centre pawn, and fork the queen and rook
Bro cornered a queen
Wayward queen attack be like:
Aha, again
Ami is first?
Yo nice contenta,always useful,can u do a video against King indians
What if he took the middle pawn with his queen he would still have ur rook
Love your videos, keep it up.
(Also pin me im 1st comment)😊
me who can’t remember what comes after the bishop in the London
yeah I’ll definitely use this
"when you get attacked on the side, respond in the center" – chessscape 2023