How To EMBARRASS Chess Cheaters

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The sequel to my original video, Chess Cheaters Get Exposed. Seems like there are a lot of people across ratings cheating right now and I will hunt them all down one by one, bringing peace to Gotham.

0:00 Intro
5:35 GAME 1 vs THEM
11:40 GAME 2

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%1$ Comments508

    Just here to tell you that you’re all amazing. Even if you’re a hater ❤️

    Its beautiful!!!
    Finally some hippo content.

    Does anyone else see the resemblance to Inscryption? I wanna play this.

    Well from 950 to 1400 elo i went after using blunder preventer addon for chrome that prevents me blunders by coloring red the tiles that will hang something.

    I coded it myself as experiment so it was fun

    At 18:28 why didn’t you play pawn D4? Like maybe I don’t see something but for me it’s the best move to do right ?

    I can't figure out how they actually think they can get away with this lol. MAGNUS has an average blitz accuracy of about 90 even. Yes, that Magnus. If you are significantly better than him, you are cheating, and it's not really even a question.

    Imagine losing a game playing at 98% accuracy

    I played 500 games without cheating. I was very tired keeping my position in the elite league, so I cheated in 8 games using a bot and then they emailed me that they have closed my account.

    My moves are generally under 4 seconds. Cause I just blitzkrieg it and hope to win. Especially when playing Nelson.

    im not a hater BUUUUUT there's some times that accounts are marked as cheaters and they are not

    How you gonna expose me- them like that?

    8:26 that queen blunder wasn’t actually a blunder it was new gambit honourably called Levy’s gambit to beat cheaters in their second game against them, because they get banned

    11:04 learning AI and this is because of something called AB pruning where it does the move with highest cost but balances it with lowest cost for you and searches really deep compared to traditional minimax algorithm. this is prob the weakness of alpha beta pruning if we can call it that since it makes it obvious that you're not playing a human

    Can u use stockfish for learning chess or is it frowned upon?

    5:33 Levy : "Gotham is going to hunt you down and beat you with his bare fists."

    Thanks for teaching me lots of things i know about chess! I went from 1200 to 1700!

    Pawn protection = using chess engine
    Make a threat with a pawn? you shall be gone
    thinking ahead? your account is now dead

    dude i played 98.9 so am i gone(but i played with my own)

    The thing is that if every player cheats it’s not player vs player it’s Stockfish vs Alphazero

    Gotham: Why did i premove against computer? “continues to premove”

    Bro when you throw moves, or even looks like skipped moves throws every novice player off, like I don't get to see which move went where due to the multiple moves at once. Is it me or am I crazy?

    I love the voices and everything lmao, good stuff bro love it!

    16:42 so this means im not gonna get banned because i have 100% accuracy game and that game ended in the openning

    This cheater should honestly try to play fair he made some good moves without stockfish

    Me when I bet 25 bucks and they started with this exact opening 💀

    On that knight move im 300 elo and could see that so Gotham were smarter than u think

    "" oh my why did i premove "
    continues to premove

    to me the most surprising part of the whole thing was that he used stockfish to play the best moves, yet stockfish never said that any of his moves we're brilliant.

    The second donator plays mario super smash bros?

    Game 1 felt like Gotham making full on blunders. Nervous?… Other ones are good 👍… 10:56 you know i take with pawn to show my opponent the brutality of chess. Even if that's a bad move

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