How To EMBARRASS Chess Cheaters

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The sequel to my original video, Chess Cheaters Get Exposed. Seems like there are a lot of people across ratings cheating right now and I will hunt them all down one by one, bringing peace to Gotham.

0:00 Intro
5:35 GAME 1 vs THEM
11:40 GAME 2

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%1$ Comments508

    "Alright, I'm gonna stop premoving."
    Premoves the next move.

    Wow, amazing Levy. But that name of the cheater: "Esta Cabron = Being an a$$hole".

    My highest rating is 84% which i got after watching your games and learning currently one elo 1200

    I don't know if the other player is cheating or not but you played like a 500 ELO beginner 🤣

    Levy: Why did I premove against a computer
    Also Levy: in the middle of premoving against a computer

    What does that percentage mean, in a remark like 'this cheater never plays under 90 percent'??

    I’m struggling to even gain elo at like 250 elo bc I keep getting stockfish players who don’t make a single mistake all game 😂

    Just watching this video for the first time and I noticed the song give a little bit as you gifted your queen😂

    that guy went undetected for over a year. it wasn't until gotham played him that chesscom did anything about it. Their anticheat obviously is not good at all

    Played with 93% accuracy last week… was soooo proud of myself. Just getting back into Chess and it is HARD to break old childhood habits of just looking for checkmate from basically the start of the match. I am my own worst enemy without a doubt lol (rated in the 900's btw)

    Having a 98%against a gm is playing 3000+. No way he isnt using an engine.

    These persons are soul deficient they are narcissists they play not for winning they play to see the other guy loose and feel joy over his dead corpse. They know they are cheaters but they care less.

    keeps claiming im cheating whole i own him lmao

    Levy seems to think if someone is bad at chess and really low rating they must talk like his impression, some people have learning difficulties and actually speak like that, additionally many people are low rated and bad at chess but are talented at many other things, why would they speak like that? All the genuine low rated players, and people with learning difficulties/needs should be given more respect than that. Futhermore just because someone might be scum and cheat still doesn't mean you can give them that voice as the cheater is not the one you are offending by doing that. Other than that, great job on entertaining the audience. I actually like your content but if you continue to insult in this way I find it too of putting to keep watching, you are an adult not a child, act like it. You will probably never see this, or even if you do you probably have far too many fans and viewers to care about what I have said, and quite possibly will just write it off as a hater, however I am not a hater as I was enjoying your content up until that point. I hope this comes across more constructive than agressive if you ever do get a chance to see it, I think your content could be better just by removing that sort of thing, you are funny and a good creator and teacher, you are talented enough not to need to do that stuff, so it is just dissapointing that's all.

    I don’t understand why he goes on about the pre-move as the fork was created when HE took the opponent’s piece.

    The whole thing about forcing pawn moves to infiltrate on the now open squares is something I've literally never thought of.

    Cheating in chess is not a big problem, as long as you cheat for learning a moves, not to play with other

    That explains a lot
    I was wondering wtf happen to me between yesterday and tomorow since I socred over 90 accuracy when I am 500 elo player xD (yeah that was a ruffle stamp game my opponents accuracy was smthing 33)

    lmfao. "why is cheating bad?" not a lot of people with fathers in levy's chat i take it

    I played against szefru on twitch, and got a 96.3 % accuracy and she got a 96.5% accuracy and it was draw. so will i get banned. I didn't cheat in that game.

    As long as a cheater is always a cheater

    18:59 As a chess cheater, I can definitely say I've made that exact statement, cadence and all. 😂😂

    Rd2 is so damn obvious it shouldnt take 3 second…

    In what letter do you hide clothes, CLOSE-T

    He just sounds smarter on what ever he points out… Even if he is wrong or not😶-

    "This man got booted out of the bar, as he ordered another drink"
    -Levy 2021

    that is an amazing quote

    It's not surprising, trolls have trolls names…

    14:15 Omg you actually saw someone get banned the very moment it happened! That is actually funny.

    Why are you american but have an accent

    if i ever get on these videos its probably bc i dropped down to smurf or decided to play full unga bunga

    Not even into chess but I find Gotham's vids so relaxing to watch

    I think Gotham’s games are more noticed by the cheater algorithms by now, because statistically he plays morecheaters (you know because colonel Levy Roseman is “the Cheater Hunter”)

    Gotham is one of a few players who won a game of chess by Thanos Snap.

    Está Cabron es muy bueno jugando xddddd

    Honestly I wish I could encounter a cheater when playing chess online. Seems I consistently get paired against Scholar's Mate players instead.

    no thank you, i don't want to embarass myself

    Me understanding computer moves: example: Kg2 patrol dark squares

    i wish he showed the match history of Carlsen or hikaru so we can see what kind of accuracy they get

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