How To Learn & Study Chess Openings

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In this video, we talk about chess openings and how to study them. I discuss chess openings for beginners, theory – Sicilian, Caro Kann, Vienna, Kings Gambit, and London Opening vs Kings Indian. I show you openings databases and discuss various platforms and teach you to analyze games.

0:00 Introduction

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%1$ Comments468

    That’s a nice number 😏 that is a niiice number 😂

    See if you study Magnus, specifically… Like Hans has, he has a wealth of data (historic Magnus Games) that one could easily figure a few lines that Magnus may not have seen in prep. I think that Hans is the future of chess, and Magnus gave up his throne by throwing a baby fit and walking out on games after getting beat. He lost in real life chess to Hans, pretty amazing.

    Interesting 🤔 wonder what my opening is

    My only last question is how do I win sense I can't stop someone's threat that mate's me ?

    where is this databases available !!???

    Duly noted, don’t walk through fire

    I am struggling to improve at chess, and your videos are incredible. Keep up the great work.

    Ok so what i understood is that im supposed to look up databases although they can mean something but can also mean nothing?

    hello, I have been playing chess since I was young in the early 90s. I got pretty good and beat my dad and his military friends. I then left game after learning all i could from chestmaster on windows ME lol. I have bought many chess boards and display all over the house for friends to see but haven't really played competively in years. Stumbled onto you channel will watching MTG videos since I am heavy MTG player since I stopped playing chess and it sparked me back into Chess. Thank you your funny and I like how explain moves but also say if this or that happens then you start playing chess lol. I hope to get back to a 1300 player and then some with your info. Great job please keep it up.

    As a newb this feels like it's so far ahead but it makes sense to study non conventional ways. I have trouble concentrating on few moves ahead, aware only of few principles and there are 35 common and over 100 in general. How far this game has come with strategies is mind blowing.

    Would someone please suggest about 5 beginning books for me to purchase? I am very willing student!

    Half an hour ago I was very confused about what "studying openings" even meant. Now that I've seen this video, it seems so simple and obvious. Levy, you really are one of the best teachers on YouTube (and I'm not just talking about chess). Thank you for everything you do!

    i wish the teacher at the chess club back in the 90s had taught like this

    My issue is ill spend hours learning an opening and then my opponent just plays something else and im just all -,-

    I must be too much of a novice to take away much from this video. I had a hard time keeping up lol. The cpu on medium kicks my ass

    I watched 2 and a half minutes of this. Never knew what the King's gambit was. Went to the app, played it, checkmate my opponent who was rated 30 points higher than me.

    I`m watching this in August 2022 and Lichess currently allows for filtering Masters` games. Sorry if it was mentioned already, I won`t read through 2000 comments 😉

    Very instructional. Only 1 problem. I’m not savvy with computer tech. I need a step by step on how to get and use the database. I’ll look for it then get lost. Play a game then show it in baby steps

    Thanks, I learned that I don't know anything, after 10 years of casual playing.

    Hi levy, I hope you will launch a course for players in the 1900+ rating range. Something like "How to do a quantum jump from the 1900s to 2200s"

    I'm the opposite of a grandmaster I'm a grand wizard

    Would you recommend a iOS chess app for the iPad?

    Thanks. Didnt know stuff like this existed.

    No matter how bookish move I learn.. my opponent never do what book says. Just after 3 steps things changed and I can’t learn. That’s the problem with 900 rated player like me

    why tf is the most replayed part the last.

    Levy you're obviously very knowledgeable and great YouTube talent but for a beginner like me you just go too fast and are too advanced. I need someone a bit slower and more patient. No offence.

    I'm sure I'll come back to you. Keep up your great work.

    Ive watched this video 5 times and keep rewatching it

    So basically I've learned chess Is pay to win

    I just play based on the next one move will be. And sometimes I don’t even see them lol. I don’t get how this helps. How do you even practice and get better at chess without a good memory

    man your explanation is not good for beginners and u know no advanced player will watch this video either, so it really doesnt make sense why ur making difficult

    How do you play moves that trick your opponent ?

    Blacks queen size night keeps going for the fork or the queen is going for check but then attacking my queen side bishop.

    6:00 me heading to play the Nc6 line which has 100% win rate for white knowing damn well I will fucking blow it 😎

    "You've got to know different things against different things. That's the best way to put it." Yeah, I doubt that 😉

    Love you tho

    Aimchess is the funniest commercial I've seen in some time

    Hi Levy! It's been about a year and a half since you posted this, so I don't know if you still follow comments or not, but I have one I hope you respond to. A very important part of your advice was to seek out videos or other sources that go over the Themes of the openings. You claimed they were easy to find, but they are not. So far, I have not found a single channel that deals with multiple openings *by theme*. For example. "Themes of the Open Games" or some such. Instead, you've left your followers to flounder about trying to wade through hundreds of chess opening vids, one individual opening at a time – and even then, how many garbage vids must I go through to get to one that does what you say is so very important? Worse, with varying explanations you've left the Noob (or anyone else for that matter) to decide: Do they go with Mr. Billy Bag-o-Doughnut's idea of the French or some other guy? You just blew that whole entire part off as something I can just find all over. You made a really helpful video to intro the process of opening study but never finished the job. Perhaps you assumed that such knowledge was everywhere since so many channels offer content, but the devil is in the details! Rather than curse the darkness I say light a candle. So, I would like you to consider producing these opening theme videos yourself!
    You wisely suggest the use of databases since they are so valuable a tool that can be searched or played in many ways but remain a single entity. Imagine you had told us to just order every book on the Caro if we wanted to learn it? Of course not! A database is a one-stop tool. How about you do the same thing for opening themes rather than throwing us overboard and telling us to "start swimming"? I hope you will. This is an open forum and so all are welcome to reply, but yours is the only one I will respond to, FWIW.

    Okay, this is like way too fast. You're already making a lot of assumptions about stuff as if it's common knowledge. No, I don't know about controlling the centre. I don't know what is considered 'classic' and what is considered 'weird'. I'm a complete beginner – that means I don't know anything.

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