I confronted Hikaru Nakamura
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i thought he was going to say number 9 in the world for chess streaming lol
blah blah blah, you talk too much, anyone ever tell you that?
When Hikaru talks I quickly only hear white noise and I start to get sleepy😂
Keep eye contact lavy when talking to anyone
I still want hikaru to get a world championship title in classical chess! ❤
Bro really thinks he confronted hikaru 💀
I like this Hikaru guy
Hikaru looking sharp
something very familiar with this setup
Levaru Rothamura
I don't love the splitting of content between your channel and Hikaru's. I get that you each want to drive listeners/viewers to each other but it feels bad. :/
[Event "AI Factory's Chess"]
[Site "Android Device"]
[Date "2024.04.04"]
[Round "1"]
[White "You"]
[Black "Cpu (12)"]
[PlyCount "43"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. Nf3 c5 2. b4 cxb4 3. d4 Nf6 4. Bg5 d5 5. Bxf6 exf6
6. e3 Bd6 7. Bd3 Qc7 8. Nb1d2 a6 9. Rc1 Be6 10. Nb1 Qa5
11. Nb1d2 O-O 12. h4 Nc6 13. Ng5 fxg5 14. Bxh7+ Kh8 15. hxg5 Qa3
16. Rb1 Nxd4 17. Qh5 Bg4 18. Qxg4 b3 19. Bg6+ Kg8 20. Rh8+ Kxh8
21. Qh4+ Kg8 22. Qh7# 1-0
both of them should do a podcast together
Damn Gotham looking damper what's that suit
Dude is rapping
i love this collab
2789 doesn't seem like a real ELO. Just like none of Gotham's video titles are real anymore.
Hicaru nacamoora is truely one of the chess players of all time
I love how quickly Hikaru recognizes his mistakes. More people should do that.
ngl I think hikaru could be world champion this time
Hikaru wearing a Tshirt under the shirt 👽👽
From the interview of Magnus by Levy I realised that Levy's head is big
Bro has a degree in yapology
Hikaru said Magnus' dominance made it "unrealistic" to even hope to be the World Champion for anyone. I agree but damn that's pretty scary.
I'd love to see hikaru win the candidates.
Which camera did you use for this Video?
Are you a next joe rogan
Are you next joe rogan
I disliked my own comment.
Why dont you start a Podcast Levy?
I would love to see that
What a nice interview. I love it
16:57 I agree on that very much.
Like I see all these other players too in the tournament playing good and everything but magnus still wins and it becomes boring. And oh boy magnus' d-eaters just ruin it too. Love to see when someone else wins.
These comments make me sick
Do you see this Levy?
I am going to go insane.
Enjoyed the interview but gawd i hate Levy
Hear me out : Roundtable with all top 10 GMs, all drunk.
It is what it is.
My favourite chess peeps in the same room
Thank for 0^1000 like
lets gooooo hikaru
Jeez, tough crowd. :/
I enjoyed the interview (in total) as it shows a side of the boofheaded psychpathic streamer that we too rarely see.
Gotham x hikaru 😁😊😄
Gotham x hikaru 🤨😳💀
Levy just gained 200+ elo from this interview
did you ask him if he still thinks that it's not possible for you to get the GM title?
Are you going to cover the candidates tournament???
Would like to hear from the underdog of the tournament Fabi
I cant help but imagine hikaru roasting levy for forgetting some things.
Goooo Hikaru!
I'd like to see either Hikaru or Caruana win the Candidates!
Good luck to both of them!
The best American player is technically not american. Quite funny.
this is such a fascinating look into sports psychology. I can't think of a better example of mindset affecting play than Hikaru
Rooting for Fabi and Hikaru at the candidates. Hopefully Magnus comes back and challenges the 2025 World Champion !!