I confronted Hikaru Nakamura
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Levy secretly wishing he was a GM like hikaru!
When I first read this title, I thought I had subscribed to Vladimir Kramnik.
where magnus vid
Когда уже на русском будут видосы.
Stockfish vs Gen Martin
13:48 interesting
Just some random 32 year old watching people talk about chess.
Sure there's World Champion, Grand Master, etc. Chess needs to take a page out of Hypixel's book and make Youtube Rank.
Hikaru is 1 of the best players,but worst possible winner for candidates. Simply because he is not playing too much OTB chess, he is more about and enjoing more online chess
Who’s the player Hikaru thinks prepared too seriously last year?
i was waiting for hikaru to roast levi
ding always fails to exclude magnus in kasparov's videos.
Cagnus Marlsen punching air rn
Levy Nakamura
Hmm barely any eye contact 🤔
The blitz match argument always makes me laugh. Hikaru had as much to learn from playing Magnus as Magnus had from playing Hikaru. It changed nothing, Magnus is just too good.
16:50 Magnus: Motherfxck the big 3, hika it's just big me!
Hikaru not doing a shout-out to Levi's course site during that question really hurt.
Volume of the audio is too low…
Future Title: I met Magnus' Asian knockoff
I'm rooting for Fabi and Hikaru. I'm very excited for this tournament. This event is going to be epic.
No more GOTHAM X MAGNUS :(((
These own
Levi(Levy) Good luck on the candidates!
Levi has more views interviewing Hikaru than Hikaru himself does on his own channel.
"I am here with GrandMaster Hikaru Nakamura"
Hikaru: *SMIRK
I hope 🎉Hikaru wins
We need another sub battle!
Levy actually looks so clean in that fit 🔥
Hikaru and Levi never fail to make similar content on their different channels
You've provided such a deep insight into the mental and emotional battle of a competitive chess player, where pressure and expectations can sometimes overshadow the enjoyment of the game itself.
You got Hikaru to shave??😮
Thank you gentlemen!!! On to part 2!! ❤❤❤❤
at 4 million subs do people still feel the need to clickbait? just continue doing what ur doing
Just commenting to get to 666 comments
Levy can interview each players in the candidates tournament and play 2 games with each of them. Then Levy can say actually participate in the candidates tournament.
glad to see you two back together again!! like the good old days
You can't confront Hikaru bro you ain't no GM
It's nice to see them being friends again. They finally made up
Gotham i am very thank full for you teaching me chess since i was 12 you took me from pushing my rooks out in the opening to a london 1300 player thanks ❤❤
It’s actually strange seeing them irl, next to each other lol
I love watching a multi-millionaire interviewing a millionaire.
Two great representatives of the game!
Hikaru has been playing chess since levy wasn't even born
Completely forgot chessable was a thing, going there immediately. That was the best quick ad for something i've ever seen.
When a sheep meets a goat:
someone teach Gotham what 'person1 x person2' means
9:20 Imagine dedicating your life to a specific niche skill like chess. Practicing over and over. The discipline to (almost) never blunder a piece or a game. But no matter how hard you try, there's a guy out there who NO ONE has even a sliver of hope of beating because he is simply too good. The number 3 guy said that in the early candidates when he was working his hardest hoping to be world champion he started to realize that no one, not even himself, had any chance of beating. It's really crazy how dominate Carlson is/was.