I confronted Hikaru Nakamura
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Lights and sound quality is so baaad for such a high-level interview
Bro, hikaru just doesn’t care.
What did you confront him with? Looks like just a standard, boring interview to me.
lmao that quote at 1:49
Hikaru is so honest and humble in his answers. Refreshing and provides a lot of insight.
Welcome back everyone. In todayyyyyyyy video.
The "Hey Wesley" was hysterical😂
Really proud of this new player taking over the russians, he's got a bright future ahead. By the way his english has improved a lot, barely any accent for a chinese.
imagine ding doesnt play the candidates and sets a precedent where the champion never plays
Confronted him about his copyright strikes?
They have legs
Love these guys!
Does Hikaru get Levy’s course for free?
what does he mean when he says "the berlin of d4" is he refering to a d4 in the berlin opening or the semi-tarrasch?
I love these type of interviews. The friendship they have makes it feel like Hikaru answers questions more whole heartedly. I love it
The disrespect continues
17:00 I assure you, it's not boring at all to see Magnus win everything. A lot of fans are rooting for him to dominate chess for the next 20 years.
Hikaru thinks heˋs a bro
Why does it cut off at the end?
WOOOO WE HAVE HIKARU!!!! and oh Gothamchess aswell.
For those who don't know Levy and Hikaru are childhood friends
I wanna see a Fabi vs. Hikaru world championship. Would be really cool if Magnus did commentary. How sweet would that be?
why so formal?
Commercial every 1 or 2 minutes is HARROWING ANNOYING
Interesting, Very Interesting.
Why the boost in chess fans in the past 4 years?
bro wants to be lex fridman
Good job hyping up worlds the past week or two, Levy! Can’t wait 😁
Levy deserves the most boring comment section award
it has to be now for Hikaru! now or never!
Holy moley this was an excellent interview.
Levy looks so good 🥶
You have to agree that Hikaru had grown a lot in the last 4 years. I find him way more empathic
Bro thinks that’s Hikaru 💀
It was so interesting that a top player like Hikaru realized he would never beat Magnus.
Show Hikaru more respect bru
How much did you pay Hikaru? So cringe. He didn't want to be there. 0 confrontation you are not logical Gotham.
the fanfiction we all wanted
What a great confrontation..they agreed on everything
Hikaru was forced against his will to do this I'm 10 seconds in and I'm sure he doesn't want to be there at all
Levy gyatt to sit like that
Hikaru Nakamura is the man. I got to 1300 watching his professor instruction videos. All the other masters just seem to be showmen or show women.
Wait! Why do you end with a cliff hanger?? 🥹😅 What was Hikaru‘s answer? 😭
Crazy how Hikaru is better at chess and streaming
Gotham is truly a Trashcan at everything
Levy never fails to have Hikaru mention Magnus in his videos
I hope Hikaru comments
There is no big 3 in tennis tho … there is only 1 GOAT 😮