I Embarrassed A Stockfish Cheater

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%1$ Comments286

    I don't understand cheaters your accomplishments are lies.

    25:47 If you were wondering how Black keeps the advantage after d4, it is Qxb2!!, winning a knight on c3.

    I feel like I’m gonna look for queen sac’s more now and get accused of cheating haha

    Imagine this – a cheater is cheating and loses, so they report the other person for cheating because they know it’s impossible for anyone to beat them when they’re cheating.

    The cheater sacrificed….THE INTEGRITY!!!!

    This cheater is an insult to all those 700’s out there. Lol. More like 100 Elo chess.

    Θεμιστοκλης Δημητριαδης says:

    23:39 should i worry that i found this move?

    nah bro, he aint cheating, he just bought ur book XDD

    I watch your videos especially for the moment of pause in the beginning. 🔥

    I never understand cheating. Sure, you get by, but you don't learn anything. In HS, a girl would cheat off me in biology class. I just gave her the answers, but I don't think she learned anything, while I remembered the materials taught.

    Same in chess. I'm learning. Made lots of mistakes, & learning from my mistakes.

    At 9:50 I fell of my chair of laughing… I dont even sometimes understand the best moves and Im 1700 and this second best option is like classical chess GM/IM Level I guess… Thank you @gothamchess for your great work!!
    OK 12:00 is even funnier… I should watch the video before commenting

    If he had mate in one he would play the second next best move

    Levy: "Don't play your own opening"
    Also Levy: Invents the egg 🥚

    At 15.50. The Bd6 move. White can't even take the rook with check first because black will take with the white bishop, which allows the queen to defend the bishop on d6 and white is going to lose their knight.

    Great thoughts Levy! Now apply them to yourself and get back in the arena! We like to see you compete!

    People who cheat in competitive games are lame asf. I can understand something like Skyrim or gta

    To get rid of cheaters i think getting multiple incognito bots in the queue at different elo (with differents depths) would be a great idea. The cheaters would play an official bot that they are not supposed to beat and if they do they get investigated/banned. Regular players losing would be rewarded elo.

    This makes me not want to gain ELO because of cheaters.

    I once found out a person is cheating by noticing the chat icon. What happened is, every time my move has been made the chat icon grayed out (meaning they minized or having non active chess app or window) I noticed this for many moves they played (actually moves that maybe better because I don't understand few of it) Then I Said are you cheating in chat box and at move I said you are cheating. Then instantly he blundered a bishop


    I am not sure how 700s can be so bad, I am playing 550s from India daily and boi do they know their scholars mate…

    As a resident ~1000 player I half found bishop takes pawn at 10 minutes. I was like “ooh I can be fancy and take the pawn and if he takes with rook I take the other pawn with check” but I didn’t see any forks

    Levy what efficiency will you start to get suspicions like consistent 90 up or like 80up

    I love these videos, please keep cheating so levy can create content.

    dude you know it's bad when i feel like i'm better at chess than someone

    I learn more from losing a game than winning most of the time.

    Bro the cheater before cheating isn't even thinking . He is just playing random moves no wonder he didn't improve 😅😅

    Wait a min he was 911 everyone knows what that means…

    A 700 player opens like that?? Why am I stuck in the 500s. What a dumb opening.

    So I should just play stockfish on my laptop because that's probably what I'm going to be meeting if I play online?

    love that 12:40 levy going insane, it really illustrates the depth to this game that i could not possibly understand here

    It's not really chess before elo 1200-1800 anyway

    Consistent use of time = all the opponents moves getting preplaced as Gotham's brain is shifting it's gear-wheels and sipping coffee ,😀😀😀

    broo even without cheating he doesn't deserve 700, coz every i mean literally every 600 i play around my rating is way better than this

    there is no way these people are 700 elo im around 580 elo and i play really good ofc i mess up sometimes but like im getting better damn

    Does it mean you just played with a cheater when the system messaged you saying they give additional rating points to you because recently you just played with someone violating the fair play policy?

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