I Embarrassed A Stockfish Cheater

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%1$ Comments286

    There is no way that person was ever anywhere near 760 ELO

    Man, levy is like the personal trainer of 300-700 ELO players. Lol

    It’s almost like the best way to cheat at chess is to… actually get good at chess.

    The reason for the time he is taking is probably because he's just not inputting the moves into the engine, he's looking at the engines secondary suggestion lol. It's funny how the secondary best move is sometimes more suspicious than the best move.

    Bro cheated his way into a Gotham chess video💀

    Me using stockfish on other device and playing moves only in 3-4 sec

    I just feel bad at chess watching this because I’m only 100 elo

    I take 30 seconds per move just to hang my queen 3 different ways

    I’m 360 and I’m better lol how he 700

    I am an 823 elo player , yesterday i got a match against a 750 something guy who beat me with 95 percent accuracy 😂

    I'm going to make a chessbot that just texts Magnus Carlsen and asks him to suggest the next move. Call it the Digital Turk.

    Bruh i am 700 too and when i play they also took 20 secs each move and just dominated me

    why do people with close to 1000 elo play worse than the grand masters I get at 400 elo

    Expecting the dude to play the best moves and then him not playing them threw me for a loop

    Instead of getting bans, cheaters should just be grouped into a pool other cheaters therefore maybe reducing the chances of them making new accounts

    How many games would it roughly take to get from 800 to 2000 if you win every game?

    crazy how being good at chess doesn't make you smart.

    Tbh it’s good to make your own opening bc then they don’t know how to react(as long as the opening is good)

    I time my opponent's moves. If I see the time they move equal or +/- 20%, I quit the game. There is no point in playing against cheaters.

    3:33 I knew a guy who did precisely that lol claimed he doesn't need to use the clutch to shift gears

    Chess.com instead of banning cheaters, should put them all in one server and watch as they burn it to the ground 😂

    You shouldn't ban cheaters, they make a new account. Make them play each others when detected.

    How the hell someone could be so bad at 700

    You know its a cheater when your opponent doesn't play en passant.

    It sucks that a computer is better than a human. That’s what turned me off chess. But this video is gold

    hahahaha this is killing me at the fact that the cheater mouse slipped and dropped his queen to the rook! haha😂😂😂😂

    I am a 500 elo player. I agree with this 700 elo comment

    are we really not advanced enough to find these guys before they hit 2k? i dont know shit about computers but are we really so inept with shit like this? we are barely better than cavemen

    Watchin his videos I’ve realized I’m simply bad at chest

    Oh the opening he uses before he cheats is the whale opening! But it’s only really for white after black E5 response. You should not play this opening on black. That’s why the second game as white his opening was better than as black.

    3:25 fr I won 10 out of 12 games by playing caro-kann & london instead of creating my own garbage openings

    nothing makes sense when you're 900 elo

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