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Buddy Buckets is a reference to a movie franchise where a dog plays basketball due to a loophole in the rules. The movie is called Air Bud.
Levy: Plays the Dutch
Levy: Play the Leningrad variation
Rest in peace Levy🕊️🕊️🕊️ Fly high
aaaaaaalmost 4milll
Buddy is Air Bud right??
Bro benji is 1642 rn
The best part is when you beat him, he says: "I still love you."
– And that just breaks my cold, black heart.
It's good to see his hair growing back
4 million followers any day now, Gothamchess!! You are on a roll!
4:19 what if the bishop takes the knight on d2, this loses a pawn for you levy, doesnt it?
Is this animal abuse ?
"What do i want from life??" This got me good 😂😂😂
13:03 The moment Benji's cuteness distracted Levy so that he misses Nc6, winning the queen or mate in 2
"Check… and Queen back. How how do you guard the bish…. OHHH!?!?!?! I HUNG MY BISHOP!!!" – Every person that's ever played chess
im 500 and beat ur 1642 rated dog
"He played well but unfortunately I'm very good at chess. And handsome." 😂
Im like number 5999
15:29 i thought the pinky bot aborted 😭
Ngl the way he played after 24:00 is how I usually play and then hang a piece in one move. Now, he can understand my struggle.
Imagine Levon roasting you for the entire month because you lost to his doggo
"I beat a random dog"
4 knights for the memes 😂
7:35 no I don't wanna share that was awful.
Meantime sharing it with 500k+ people who are gonna watch it.
You had the opportunity to put your cute dog in the thumbnail and didn't take it! WHAT!?
No flex but just beat benji bot👌
the : Ooh nO tHat iS checkmate oh no had me rollin
Dislike video
I'm pretty sure the first game where you BM'd a dog constitutes animal abuse.
Brilliant PMSL
Benji vs. Ponchik for next video. Let doggo get revenge
Is buddy buckets not a play on air bud?
I've lost lije 50 games against that darn bucket dog. Without takeback, I can't win it.
one has "a" beef
Yesterday I bought your Newyork style course for the Vienna Gambit/accepted & declined/ and studied it for hours It's really good. and I was predicting all your moves in the game with Benji
My beef with the dog bots is that there's no dachshund. Dachshunds may not be the most intelligent dogs, but they're certainly the cleverest. More smart alack than smart. (I grew up with some.)
3.99M subs tho, when 4M subs
Man, just think about us indians too,😂 I was just going to sleep and suddenly saw your video notification, and now I can't resist 😂😂
It's 2 30 in the morning btw😅😅
Levy, congrats for getting 3.99m subs its big milestone
Levy is about to switch to lychess
"Benji I really dont mean to beat you…. in chess." That was a close one gotham
If the Benji bot gets high enough it would be fun to watch it versus the Gotham bot.
Fairly sure "Buddy Buckets" is after "Air Bud", the kids movie from the 90s