I Played An Undercover Chess Master…

This video was recorded last summer in Washington Square Park, NYC. Hope you enjoy 🙂

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%1$ Comments521

    She's honest and shares every move she makes. We like that ! 🙂

    This happens to me all the time. I put something somewhere for a specific reason. Then a few minutes later I go and and put it somewhere else for another entirely different reason, totally forgetting the really important first reason why I put it where it was. Then I lose. Again. Sigh…

    What is is opening called? Very interesting indeed.

    I am telling ya. You run those rook pawns up the board as fast as you can, and it changes the entire game. 🙂
    You make it work in private, (years?), and pull it in a big tourney,———————————-and you make history.
    The chess bots will have to be reprogrammed. Imagine that.

    Very interesting game. Really tight game he has. But he blundered too. He should have had you at min. 7:44: rook f6. He missed it, so he does make mistakes. 🙂
    Nice to meet interesting people isn't it. I hope you get a rematch someday. Looks like his tight game may expand your game a bit. Maybe a good guy to play more with.

    wow, she played her tits off in this game.

    Anna is such a gem she's a great personality for the chess world shes kind humble and funny

    gotta be distracting with her so close

    All it takes is a little slip up and you're done. That's what playing chess is all about. Not a single wrong move.

    Anna has the best and most contagious smile ever

    Can relate so much at your ending.

    The queen was supposed to protect the King but you forgot and went on to attack

    The guy said he is a master and I beat him 7:1 )) true story

    Very interesting board. Thank you both. That was fun. Crowded midfield for quite a while.

    hey why don't you fly to india playing with me. I have never played anyone blonde beauty chicks 😘

    Played with him in Washington Square park, such a great fella

    One thing I’ve learned watching these is to never trust a ranked chess player in the first 5 minutes

    Hi Anna! I went to Washington square park today and played against him, and he showed me this video. I lost of course but it was very fun!

    I love how he is playing mind games, talking and joking, all very "charming" 🤣
    In the end , she seems to have a better position but… She does a mistake…
    Maybe he succeed 😉

    "I apologize for any inconvenience" 😂😂😂😂

    Good = confident; so-so = cocky hustler; very good = demure

    We can always know in advance.

    This woman thinks herself as God of chess. She is highly overconfident and really imbalanced because she talks too much.

    You are lovely, are you married? Would you date me if I don't play chess?

    As soon as she moved her Queen to G3, I knew it was over. He's a chill player but a beast

    She should've taken the knight on h3 with the rook instead of the bishop with the other rook!!!

    Anna, I love to watch and listen to you conversation.

    At 7' 32", should Anna have moved pawn to B6? Wouldn't that have enabled her to bring her knight into the attack?

    Talking of too much beauty, while holding a cam pointed downwards 🤣 quickly adjust the top. A girl's gotta know her game 😅

    How do you become an undercover chess master? Is there a uniform they normally wear, then change into street clothes and let your hair go when undercover?

    i would not be able to concentrate with that smile

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