I Played An Undercover Chess Master…

This video was recorded last summer in Washington Square Park, NYC. Hope you enjoy 🙂

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#annacramling #chess #nyc

%1$ Comments521

    Hi you don't seem to understand the psychological contest in chess cheers from Australia

    7:44 seconds, should've moved that little horsey between your king and his queen

    when was this? i live in NYC and its def not warm enough to be wearing spring clothes!

    Staunton chess set tip, so you know how to replace it back to Staunton's

    Fishy Nand has a chance for a core, he is interesting, looks like alpha go has a better future

    "to much beautyfull here, so…" covers boobs

    Do svidaniya made me smile. Hi from Russia!

    Пацаны, она назвала Русский Турецким

    7:17 – so what is the move that equals the position?

    Always love it when you go "oh no no no!" – turning the tragedy into fun 😀

    Great game and interesting opening he played! That blunder at the end 😵

    Beautiful game! The couple late bluffs he kept setting out kept me on my toes and it was great watching the gentlemen's respect keep growing as it got into late game

    Usually chessplayers are introvert guys. It is refreshing and different to see a female and exhibitionist chessplayer.

    This game was insane. That closed position with all the pawns lined up is something you don't see every dau

    So the strategy is tank top distraction, doesn’t work tho.

    Fun to see anna climbing her subs count from where she used to be a year ago

    Don’t know why but didn’t like this one all that much. I must be in a bad mood.

    I dont even play chess, I only watched one video about chess – where little Misha meet final boss Anatoly Karpov and for some reason youtube thinks that I like chess and it keeps reccomending me all chess channels. Thats how I ended up here…but I like this girls personality and she has cute voice.

    When she asked how to open up the position I thought he would say "creatively" but be basically said that… But more creatively spoken

    She was dominating – just a blunder right at the end

    I play a little chess myself and I'm amazed how people can both talk and play good chess simultaneously 🙂


    He was a very gracious and humble champion. Good video

    I feel like at 4:27, Rxh3 is a winning move….Bxh3, Rh8, Kg2, Qh6, Rh1, exf6?

    It's so nice to see even Anna is making mistakes 😄

    Je trouve que tu as bien joué sauf à 7:35 il fallait le mettre échec au roi avec le cavalier, il reprenait du pion, on lui reprenait le pion avec la tour, après c'est perdu quand même car il a l'autre tour et notre cavalier est mal placé.

    Borderline creepy old man vibes at times

    That was fun to watch. It was a serious match with playful banter mixed in the match. Nice match Chess Princess.

    the Hungarian opening was my first ever move i learnt. btw, this guy was so humble.

    As Turkish men we never miss an opportunity to chat up a beautiful lady haha

    6:32 ana should take that free knight pin by bishop… Missed win by her

    I’m watching your videos and you seem to start well and get in winning positions and then have a bad move and lose. Love your videos

    Gotta love the old Hungarian opening always works !!

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