I Played An Undercover Chess Master…

This video was recorded last summer in Washington Square Park, NYC. Hope you enjoy 🙂

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%1$ Comments521

    This dude is quite clearly filming your cleavage, just saying.
    Check out 5:30 or so…

    Cool game; congratulations Oz, I had my money on you! It was great seeing you play; Anna is a good sport. I enjoy her videos.

    U couldn't think straight under time pressure

    That was the Barnes opening not the Hungarian lol

    I admire his attempts to chat you up more than his game.

    That dude had me cracking up the whole time with his creepiness and weird accent 🤣.

    Awesome game, cool guy, Anna. Very enjoyable. 😊

    The part where time starts running out and they have to rush their moves is always so intense

    Watch him Anna!
    He's an undercover Master.

    Def tryna infiltrate with those comment. Cant blame him those

    This chess thing is fascinating. Maybe I'll learn how to play just for giggles.

    He is a rusty master, he did not play like a master. But he is still really good.

    Anna is such a petit beauty goddess /* <3

    that rook sac for the bishop was brutal. you had him.

    Good job Anna. You would have had that game if you had time to "sit on your hands" like your mother always told you!

    Thank you, Anna! Always interesting. You were doing so well until that OH! blunder.

    Oh, no! at 6:32, the white bishop was pinned to the queen by the rook so you could have grabbed a free knight! So close, Anna!!

    Wow, you each let each other setup a large opening position.

    Omg Anna you're so gorgeous I'm surprised

    I know you lost but that was a super fun and instructive game, thank you for sharing <3

    I love blitz so much, you can be playing a master or a strong player but everyone can be susceptible to time trouble

    I'm so happy you play out the last few moves without resigning early. That helps us learn. Your videos are wonderful and have rekindled my interest…

    I hate blitz games. They encourage ridiculous blunders. If you can't sit for at least an hour, how can you enjoy the game?

    Anna, don't y'all play touch – move in Europe? 🤔

    Here's where it all started for me. Street chess with Anna!

    Did he say Anna's looks is affecting his game? It would affect my game too, but it wouldn't matter in the end, since I'm not that high rated, lol.

    Rusty my arse. Created a really tricky game structure, then sprung a nasty trap.

    everyone makes mistakes. I know I blunder ALOT.

    Wild that people always talk about Anna’s looks.

    Fascinating opening he played, gonna have to study the lines on that one 😃

    Really interesting opening actually. And the guy was cool.

    Better a rusty master than a well-oiled servant.

    Anna how can you function at so many levels and keep your focus and charming beauty glowing?
    Please explain? 🤩😍🤠

    I don’t even play chess & still enjoy these vids 🌺🤙✨

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