I Played Chess Prodigies. It Was Terrifying.

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%1$ Comments595

    Bro knew this was gonna get demonetize. He had to pull out the ad read.

    I only read the first part of the title, anyway what is this clickbait???

    levy i am so close too 600 and to think i was at 500 monday

    Ah simple way to cure your bordem beat kids [competitively]

    Only the OG's remember the original title and thumbnail

    Oh wow ima love this vid!!! Oh wait I didn’t see the parenthesis. Mb

    I beat all my siblings with the help of this,

    But not in chess lol 😆

    his entire career is hanging on that parentesis in the title

    Who names their kid Brewington tho, like that is a crazy name

    I play chess against middle schoolers and elementary schoolers often (after they finish with their assignments of course) so this will be useful to me

    There is one student who consistently destroys every other student in wild ways, and he even beats me some of the time.

    Bad ending: he forgot to add “at chess” in the title and accidentally cut everything out but the first few seconds

    You should remove the “at chess”, it would attract so much more attention

    This is gonna be great in a Gotham without context video

    I beat kids as well, I’m not that good at chess though.

    Bro the title of this video has changed 3 times.

    The series of titles that this video had fucking killed me

    Just giving a like for the title alone 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Levi really out here beating up children in front of millions

    "ladies and gentlemen… i beat kids." – GothamChess

    I would love to see this in a gothamchess out of context.

    am i too much of a chess player to understand the joke in the title? am i the only one who only noticed when gotham mentioned it in the video?

    In the future you will be able to brag that your record with Alice is +1-1=0 at this point anyway….She's probably thinking, yeah, we'll see each other again, maybe titled Tuesday. One day for me it might be more like tilted Tuesday..

    Brewington Hardaway went 9/9 at one of the very strong friday blitz tournaments at the Marshall Chess Club. That feat has only been accomplished recently by himself and Mykola Bortnyk – who did it only once. He is insanely strong.

    Sometimes kids will assault u, then I wouldn't stand there and let them. Big kids may need a beating. It's a matter of doing what's required but not overreacting with a disproportionate response.

    I like how the original title of this video was called "I Beat Kids"

    Correct me if I’m wrong but at 14:08, if black goes queen b6 wouldn’t they be winning because if white takes blacks queen, black would move their rook to the back row and it would be mate

    At 17:24 White doesn't look too crazy bad, but if you say so I believe you. Your c3 Knight is not in a good spot at all. The Bishop might be better on a3. Black's e4 pawn is a bit thorny and defended, the rest of her pawns that side look a little threatening. There might be a pawn break for you on g4 but looks tricky. I'm gonna learn today.

    I am a kid, gotham chess I challenge you to a 10 minute game

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