I Played Magnus Carlsen

I played against Magnus Carlsen (current world chess champion) at the Retiro Park in Madrid, Spain! This was the game, hope you enjoy 🙂

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0:00-0:21 Intro
0:21-6:34 Game against Magnus

#annacramling #chess #magnuscarlsen

%1$ Comments900

    They play chess so fast! what the hell i been playing for these years then, each move supposed to take time!

    Hubo una jugada donde hacía jaque con el caballo y hacia doblete contra la torre y no la hizo, por qué? Era jaque y luego torre y tomaría la ventaja

    4:23 why not attack the king and the rook with that horse? someone HELP! 😀

    although Ne2 is not the greatest move but it's better than Nd1

    @title.exe is not responding
    It should've been 'I played with magnus carlsen'
    Never mind
    Minor mistakes happen sometimes

    1:25 "oh boy this is not easy" as he smirks and holds back a laugh lmao

    As Sweedish and Norwegian are mutually intelligible, wouldn't you feel more comfortable talking in your respective Nordic languages?

    He would have finished her faster the other way.

    I think the people in the back round see mangus butt crack

    magnus must have the the super hottest girlfriend in the world because he didn’t even look you in the eye.

    4:16 would bishop to e1 then rook to d2 work? I’m learning the game. Thoughts?

    She could have check and pin the bishop at the same time 😢

    He respected your game. That's a compliment and a half. You could just tell from the start that he was thinking 20 steps a head. Guy's a genius

    Magnus-“I’m trying to focus”
    Anna:”you’re so hot”😂😂

    Being able to play magnus is already a win

    Ana has an advantage because the Men believe that just because she is a Woman she will be easy to beat. Even Magnus had to take stock and take her seriously.

    u could check with horse and take free rook but idk xd

    Can't even understand why you're moving pieces here or there and you are already making another move. You guys are not human.

    wish i could watch in slo mo, you did well to get a hi from Magnus

    Can someone explain to me why she didn’t put magnus’ king in check and fork the rook? Or am I just way too far behind haha

    Wow! 5.6 million views! Magnus would kill for 5.6 million views.

    magnus at 1.25 be like, this is not easy. still plays within a second

    He is so fast its amazing, and painful for everyone else playing him!

    Magnus: the only one who can beat me is: me. ( Aomine)

    It's fascinating how women became accessible, laugh stupidly for nothing and sometimes even become lascivious when they converse with a fortune men.

    magnus looks very happy, ohhh ok i understan , pretty player

    Where did you bump into him? See Gus around anywhere? Prolly playin backgammon. 🙃 G1!

    I wish I had enough chess skill to even know what was going on in this game.

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